Chapter 2

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I quickly stumble out of the bathroom and search for my friend. When I find her she is talking to Topper, Rafe, and their friend Kelce. I walk over and stand beside her, grabbing her arm to let her know I'm there. She turns to look at me, "Hey! Where have you been?"

"I told you I had to pee. Not only that but Chris tried to attack me again... God we have to stop letting him come to these parties." I state.

Rafe speaks up, "Yeah I had to pull him off of her. He's crazy, man."

Everyone nods, agreeing that Chris is in fact, psycho. Sarah looks back at Topper, stuck in conversation with her strange boyfriend. I just stick around, waiting for her to stop chatting while talking to Rafe and Kelce. It's kinda funny because for years, I've had a little secret crush on Rafe. I mean I've known the guy for half of my life and he's always been there for me. The only person that knows is Sarah but she has been sworn to secrecy. I have dirt on her too though so it's even. She has a crush on the guy that works on her dad's boat, John B Routledge. He is one of the guys that my other friend, Kiara, hangs out with. He's a Pogue so he is off limits to Sarah. And unfortunately for me, I promised that I wouldn't pursue Rafe, I don't wanna make her uncomfortable.

While I'm civil around him, most of the time I'm wishing he would just kiss me and get it over with. But, I'm sure he just sees me as another little sister.

Sarah grabs my arm, "Are you ready to go to my house?"

"Yeah let's go before Chris finds me again... bye guys." I wave at Rafe and Kelce. Rafe gives me a smile, which he barely ever smiles so big accomplishment on my part.

We hurry to the car to avoid getting stopped by anyone. Sarah didn't drink much because she knew she was going to be driving, she is usually good like that. I'm really not drunk though, just a little tipsy. "Haley you were all in on that conversation with my brother. Don't make it so obvious that you like him, dude."

"What?! I was being chill, cool, calm. I'm good." I stammer.

"You don't sound chill. You were basically salivating over him. Gross." She imitates a gagging sound as if she were puking.

I roll my eyes, "Shut up. Alright fine, I was staring but your brother is hot, okay?"

"OH GOD I'M GONNA PUKE!" Sarah pretends to spill her guts everywhere, making me roll my eyes once again.

We pull into the driveway and get out of the car. I can wait to change into my pajamas and go to bed. When I get upstairs, I do just that. Sarah climbs into her bed next to me and tries to cuddle like the weirdo she is. "Nah man you know I don't cuddle!" I push her off of me.

"You're a bitch, you know that Haley?" She cackles.

"Yeah I know, and I'm proud of it." I join her in laughter.

Not long after that, I fall into a deep sleep, a certain boy invades my sweet dreams.


The next morning we wake up to the smell of bacon. Sarah's dad always cooks breakfast for us when I sleep over. Yes, they have maids and shit but the family does most of the cooking, especially her dad. We run downstairs to get some breakfast because we are both starving.

Sarah pushes me out of the way to be the first to get food. I push her back which ends up in us both pushing each other back and forth. She is basically like the sister I never had so we tend to act that way sometimes.

Her dad walks back into the kitchen laughing, "You two are crazy. There is plenty to go around! Don't hurt yourselves."

Once we grab our breakfast, we sit at the table to eat. Sarah's little sister, Wheezie (13) comes hopping down the stairs, Rafe not far behind her. "Well sleeping beauty decided to wake up before noon. Good morning, son." Ward says to Rafe.

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