Chapter 7

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My fingers are tangled in his hair as I kiss him passionately. His hands grip my waist, his fingers digging into the skin there. We can't get enough of each other.

Still kissing him, I back up until the backs of my legs hit the bed. Rafe lightly pushes me down on the bed. He removes his shirt and throws it across the room. He climbs on top of me, his body resting against mine as he kisses me again. His hand reaches behind me, pulling at the strings of my bikini top. I finish the work for him by pulling the top off and tossing it. He stands up to remove his shorts which leaves him in his boxers. I move to pull my bottoms off but he stops me so he can take them off for me. He then stands at the foot of the bed, taking in the sight of me naked on his bed. "Fuck. You are so beautiful, Haley."

I jolt awake by the sound of my phone buzzing from a text. I check my phone and it is just Kiara. But I soon realize the dream I just had... damn it's hot in here now.

I'm literally sweating.

How do I expect myself to go downstairs and talk to Rafe without remembering my dream? The thing is, that dream could become a reality if I wanted it to. No, Haley! Stop that! I have to get up and stop thinking about it.

I jump out of the bed and head to the bathroom. To wake myself up, I wash my face. Maybe that will help me get out of this daydream. I change into some clothes that aren't my pajamas and head downstairs for breakfast. To my surprise, everyone is up but me. "Good morning sleepyhead!" Sarah says giggling.

See... she is acting like we didn't fight last night. I knew it.

"Good morning. Sorry, I was sleeping really good." I say, trying not to blush.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Rafe watching me. I want nothing more than to tell him to stop being obvious but I know I can't. I don't think anyone noticed but me, though.

Ward starts to talk, "Rose and I will be going golfing today. Y'all are more than welcome to join, but don't feel obligated."

I shrug my shoulders at Sarah, who looked at me for guidance, "If you want to go, Sarah, I will go too."

"Okay, Haley and I will join you guys then." Sarah says.

"I'm gonna come too." Rafe says.

Ward asks, "What about Wheezie? She can't stay by herself."

"She can come too. I'm not staying back just for her, dad." Rafe tells his father.

"Don't I get a say in this?" Wheezie asks.

Both Ward and Rafe answer in sync, "No."

"Fine. But you owe me ice cream later." The young girl says, pointing at her brother.

He nods his head with a small smile. It's kinda cute watching them interact. Rafe is cold and harsh most of the time but he starts to soften up a little when it comes to Wheezie. He's not really that way with Sarah but they are so close in age so it's a little different.

"Okay. Everyone finish breakfast and get dressed. We will be leaving in the next hour." Ward announces as he gets up from the table, Rose following behind.

I'm the last to finish my breakfast. Everyone, except Rafe and I, are upstairs getting ready. I look over at him and grin, "I know you only wanted to go golfing because of me."

He laughs, "No! I like golfing."

"Whatever." I smirk at him.

I get up to put my dishes in the sink. Before I can turn around, two hands snake around my waist. Rafe's face is buried in my neck, his hair tickles my jaw. I laugh then whisper, "You are going to get us caught, Rafe Cameron."

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