Chapter 15

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My eyes flutter open on this beautiful Monday morning. The sun is shining, not a cloud in the sky and we are going home today.

As much fun as I have had on this trip, I'm so ready to get home, sleep in my bed and see my other friends. Plus, my birthday is on Friday! Which also means that Sarah is throwing me a party on Friday. Yay.

I'm fully awake when I feel two arms wrapped around me and hear soft snores in my ear. Then I remember that I am in Rafe's bed. My mind flashes back to last night, making my heart race. I try not to wake him when I reach over to the nightstand to get my phone, but when he feels me move he starts to wake up. His face nuzzles in the crook of my neck, leaving a kiss there. He mumbles in his raspy morning voice, "Good morning."

"Good morning." I smile.

My body starts to stretch and my butt involuntarily pushes against his front. I try to pull away so I can turn to face him, but he grabs me by the lower part of my stomach, pushing my ass against his front. He mumbles again, "Stay there."

I roll my eyes and laugh, "No, I want to look at you."


He moves his hand and lets me turn around. His arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer to him. My hands rest on his bare chest. "Hey." I smile.

"Hey." He smirks at me. "Do you feel okay this morning?"

I say jokingly, "Just peachy."

Rafe rolls his eyes and smiles, "I don't want to leave." His hand caresses the side of my face, rubbing his thumb across my cheek.

I take a deep breath and lean into his touch. My face moves in to give him a kiss, he stops me. "Nope. Brush your teeth first."

"Oh shut up, smart ass." I laugh. "Just kiss me."

He does and I don't even care anymore. I just want to be in this moment with him, no interrupti—

"HALEY! Why is you're door locked?!" I hear Sarah knocking on the door to my room.

I whisper to Rafe, "Shit shit shit. What am I gonna do?!"

He thinks for a minute before he says, "Do you think you can climb over to your balcony from this one?"

"Oh no... that's a death wish!"

"No it's not. I will make sure you get across. But you have to hurry." He says as he jumps out of bed.

I try to do that, but my legs and lower region will not allow such quickness. My face scrunches up in discomfort, "I might not be quick but I will try."

He grabs my things and brings them to me. Rafe opens the window to the balcony, helping me climb through. Half of his body hangs out as he holds my hand to help me walk across the roof. I still hear Sarah at the door, then I feel my phone buzz, signaling a text. Rafe let's go of my hand right as I reach the railing of the balcony. As I'm climbing over, I hiss in slight pain from the events of the night before. Nothing I can't handle but definitely not ideal for my current situation. I turn to Rafe before I climb back into my room and blow him a kiss. He winks at me and disappears back into his room. I jump through the window, luckily landing on my feet.

Running to the door, I answer it to see a concerned Sarah on the other side, "Dude! What took you so long?"

"Sorry I um- I was sitting out on the balcony taking in the view one more time. I couldn't hear you." I just came up with the quickest lie I have ever told and I'm pretty proud.

"Oh yeah it's so pretty this morning. And if I wasn't ready to get back and see Topper, I could stay for another week." Sarah exclaims.

I give her a small smile, "Um me too. Except the boyfriend part."

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