Chapter 6

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I spend the rest of dinner trying to push Rafe's hand off of my leg, ultimately giving in and letting him leave it. Every so often he would take it off, just so the others wouldn't suspect anything, but it would end right back in it's spot. He also took the opportunity to grip my leg, making me squirm under his touch.

He and I are going to have a long talk when we get back.

We leave the restaurant and drive back to the house. Sarah asks, "You up for an evening swim?"

"Sure!" I say.

When we get back, we change into our swimsuits and go back downstairs, getting in the pool as soon as we approach it. I take this time to question Sarah about a certain someone. "Hey so what's up with your crush on John B?"

"Nothing. I talk to him from time to time but other than that, I keep my distance." She says.

"You know... he is one of my friends. I can set you two up!"

Her eyes almost pop out of her head, "No way! My dad would literally die. No Pogues... not ever. Topper is good for me."

"Sarah, I love you and I trust your judgement but, I'm not so sure about Topper. He's nice and all but he is kinda clingy, don't you think?" I ask her, knowing what the answer will be.

"No he isn't! I enjoy his company." She insists.

He's always up her ass. Like last week when me and her were hanging out and he just shows up randomly. I don't like that. "Well I enjoy John B's company. He's a nice guy and he's cute! Not my type but he's yours!"

"Oh yeah? And what is your type, huh? My brother?!" She exclaims.

I mean yes... but now she's just flipping it on me. "What? What does this have to do with me, Sarah?"

She scoffs, "I have seen the way you have been looking at him all day. I know you have had a crush on him for years but it's starting to get obvious. You need to keep it on the down-low."

"Good God, Sarah. Look, your brother is fine and all but this isn't about him or me. It's about you and Topper."

Sarah rolls her eyes, "Nope. I'm not doing this Haley. I'm going to bed."

She, in true Sarah Cameron fashion, dramatically gets out of the pool and stomps up the stairs without another word. She will forgive me tomorrow. That's always how it happens.

I'm just gonna swim in the pool for a few minutes more. And I don't know why she brought up Rafe. I mean yeah it's probably noticeable but-

My thoughts are cut off as I feel a large splash of water hit the side of my face. When the figure comes up out of the water, I notice it is none other than Rafe. Of course it is... always stalking me.

"What happened to Sarah?" He asks me.

I let out a breath, "I was talking to her about Topper and she didn't like what I had to say. So she went to bed. And she knows I'm right so that's why she got defensive."

He nods his head, then asks, "What about Topper?"

"Well I told her that he is kinda clingy and it just seems like he is more into their relationship than she is."

"Yeah, you're right." He shrugs.

I question him, "Really? I thought he was your best friend?"

"He's one of them. But I do agree, he is up Sarah's ass all of the time. Plus I know she has a crush on John B." He says and it takes me aback.

"Wait... how do you know that?"

He laughs, "For one, I have heard you guys talk about it a few times without knowing I was around. And two, she is my sister so I can tell when she's around a guy she likes. I've seen her interact with John B and Topper. She definitely is more interested in John B."

He's right. I can tell when she likes a guy too. She twirls her hair and giggles just a little bit. Not only that, but she will bite her bottom lip out of nervousness.

"Well why won't she just let me set her up with him?" I wonder.

"Because Pogues and Kooks don't mix. Our dad would die on sight." He lets me know that really quickly.

I roll my eyes, "What if I dated a Pogue, huh? Would you guys shun me or something?"

Rafe gets closer to me in the water, his face inches away from mine. "You're not gonna date a Pogue."

"And who says?"

He looks me dead in the eyes and says, "Me."

Before I have any time to say anything, he pins me against the side of the pool. His lips smash into mine for the second time today. My arms wrap around his neck to pull him closer to me. His hands grasp my hips tightly, keeping me in place. We move our lips in sync as sparks almost too literally fly all around. Rafe bends down slightly, his hand grab the backs of my thighs. He hoists me up, making me wrap my legs around his waist. His hands stay put on my ass to hold me up, which he has no problem doing at all. I am the first to break away, only because I need some air. He takes this as an opportunity to kiss down my jaw line with his lips landing on my neck. He lightly sucks on the sensitive skin there, careful not to leave a mark. I suppress my moans, not wanting him to think I'm enjoying this too much. But when his lips trail down my collarbone, to the tops of my breasts... then I allow myself to let out a soft moan.

Rafe smirks against my skin, looking up at me to say, "You like that, sweetheart?" His hands grab my ass with force, making me gasp. "Yeah. I think you do."

I bite my lip and smile, "You're wrong."

"Oh so you don't like this? I will just back away then." He says, eyebrows raised.

My hands grasp his shoulders, pulling him back in. I plant my lips against his for a quick peck. When I let go he says, "So... is this gonna be our thing now?"

"What?" I ask.

He points between the two of us, "This. Sneaking around, making out in random places?"

I push his shoulder, "Shut up."

"Make me." He says with a serious tone.

I do just as I'm told and shut him up with my mouth. The kiss only deepens for a short amount of time, us being afraid that we will get caught.

"I guess I need to go back inside now. Don't want to get caught out here, ya know?" I say with a big smile on my face.

"Yeah. Agreed." He says as he lets go of me.

We both exit the pool. My legs are wobbly, not just from being in the pool, but from the intensity of the past few minutes. Rafe notices and laughs at me, "You look like a baby deer."

"Stop! I do not! That always happens when you get out of the pool."

He continues to laugh, "Yeah sure. Whatever you say sweetheart... it's cute though."

I don't say anything, I just smile to myself. I'm still drying off as I walk back to the house. Rafe grabs my hand and pulls me back towards him, kissing me one more time. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Rafe." I say.

I'm sure he is watching me walk back to the house but I don't care. I make sure to swing my ass just a little to make him want more. God knows that if I'm not careful, I will give him whatever he wants. He has me hooked already.

Bad Habits (A Rafe Cameron/OBX story)Where stories live. Discover now