Chapter 36

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•The Letters•
Letter #1


I know you're wondering how I'm doing. Honestly, not great. I've had a fever all week, cold sweats and panic attacks. The doctors say it's the withdrawal symptoms and they will go away in a few days. I'm hoping that by the time this letter makes it to you, I will feel better. But for now I feel like shit.
I've been so lonely. No friends or family to talk to. I can't even fucking call you guys. It's basically torture. I know, I need to be here. I just miss you all. Especially you. I miss your voice, your smile, eyes, that cute little nose scrunch thing you do. I even miss your sassy attitude and death stares. God knows I've gotten too many of those. Most importantly... I miss us together. Your touch, affection, and kisses. I'll admit it, but don't tell the guys, I'm whipped. ;)
My sweetheart. My princess. My baby. I miss you too much to comprehend. I wish you were here to help this pain go away. You've always been the best at helping me feel better.
My heart and soul is yours forever.

Love, your broken boy.

Letter #2


I hope you miss me as much as I miss you. But don't worry, I'm doing much better this week. The fever is gone, no more night sweats and I've only had a couple of panic attacks (as opposed to the 5 I had in one day last week). I've even met a friend. His name is Jacob. He entered the program the day after me so we are basically doing this together. He's my age, 20 and he is my roommate. We have a lot of the same interests and we obviously have a lot in common. Jacob also has a girlfriend but I keep telling him that mine's better than his.
I know that yesterday was your first day back to school. How was your first day of senior year? I wish I was there to take you.
Yesterday was my first day of therapy. I haven't opened up about dad yet. That will come later. By the way, will you watch out for Sarah and Wheezie for me? Please? I'm afraid that since I'm gone and dad doesn't have anyone to scream at, he will come after them. Specifically Wheezie. We all know Sarah is the favorite but you never know with him.
Anyway... I miss you loads. I can't wait to give you the longest hug ever recorded in history. Don't forget about me while I'm gone.

P.S. I just found out that we can have pictures in our rooms if they are mailed to us. Can you send me some of you? I need to see your beautiful face when I wake up every morning. Plus I can brag about how beautiful you are with a picture to back up my claims.

Love, your partially broken boy.

Letter #3


Today was really good. After you've been in the program for a couple of weeks and doing well, they release you to do outside activities. Kinda like gym class for fucked up drug addicts. But it gets me out of that building. The sunshine makes me feel better. We played basketball for a couple of hours this afternoon. It was definitely the most fun I've had since I've been here.
Remind me when I get back, I want to get a basketball goal. It kinda helps relieve my stress. Besides that, therapy is going really good. It started out feeling like a chore but now it feels healing. My therapist, Brian, went through the same things as me when he was a teenager. Granted he was on heroin and not cocaine, but he's still been so helpful. Still haven't talked about dad... getting to it.
Thank you for those pictures. I missed seeing your sweet face. They brought tears to my eyes. Jacob says hello and he can't wait to meet you. He's waving at me as I'm writing this. He says it's for you.
I hope everything is good with you, baby.
I love you.
I miss you.

Love, your healing boy.

Letter #4


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