Chapter 24

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I almost want to die right then and there. The whole island is about to find out everything. My heart rate picks up speed as Rafe charges over towards JJ. "What the fuck, dude?! Get your hands off of her!"

"Look, man. I'm not trying anything. We were just talking." JJ holds his hands up.

Rafe scoffs, "Just talking? Then why did you grab her like that?"

"Like I said, we were having a conversation."

I clench my teeth, "Stop it you two. Everyone is watching."

"I thought I heard you tell her that you love her? Is that true? Do you love her?" Rafe asks with anger in his eyes.

My friend nods, "Yeah... I do."

Rafe laughs evilly, "Wrong answer." He says as he charges toward JJ. I immediately make my way over to Rafe, placing my hand on his chest.

"Stop, please." I look him in the eyes.

The rage in his eyes is less visible when I look at him. But out of the corner of my eye, I see Sarah and the others running over. "What's going on?" Sarah asks.

"Oh, here we go. This is about to get interesting." JJ chuckles, obviously drunk.

"JJ, no. Please don't do this." I plead.

Kiara yells over all of us as everyone at the party is still watching, "Can someone tell us what's happening here?!"

JJ acts as if he's thinking, "Hmm... where do I begin?"

My hand drops from Rafe's chest and he immediately tackles JJ to the ground. This is not good at all. It's the third time this week that Rafe's anger has gotten then best of him. Only two physical fights, but one verbal one with me. I don't like this.

Everyone is screaming, I'm crying and so is Sarah and Kie. The other boys try to get Rafe off of JJ, while Topper and Kelce are helping Rafe. My boyfriend's fist collides with JJ's face multiple times. John B manages to pull him off JJ, but he gets sucker punched in the gut before falling to the ground. Now, Topper is fighting Pope, Kelce is fighting John B and Rafe is fighting JJ who is now standing up. My body feels like it's stuck in place, my voice is caught in my throat as I try to yell. But I manage to find my voice, "STOP IT! RAFE! STOP!"

Rafe pushes JJ back down on the sand, towering over him, pushing his foot onto JJ's throat. I run over and stand in front of him. Tears are streaming down my face as I beg him, "Please stop, Rafe. You're gonna kill him."

He lets up the pressure on JJ's neck, stepping away and telling the others to stop fighting. But JJ quickly recovers and hops up from the ground, fists flying. "JJ! STOP!" I scream.

Everyone's eyes are on me as I walk over to Rafe, grab his hand and pull him away, "Let's go."

Sarah screams, "Wait! What was that?!"

JJ grabs everyone's attention, "I'll tell you what it is! Haley and Rafe have been sleeping together for almost a month."

"What the fuck, JJ?!" I yell.

The other boys and Kiara exclaim, "WHAT?!"

Sarah is dumbfounded and obviously shocked by the newfound information. She has no words, which is different for her.

JJ spits out blood that's collected in his mouth and laughs, "Oh yeah! And you wanna know the best part? They started seeing each other when y'all went to the Bahamas! Yeah, remember that? They were sneaking out every night and sometimes during the day, just to be with each other."

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