Chapter 19

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Rafe stands up from his position. I sit up and look to the person that just walked in. In the doorway stands JJ. He looks infuriated by what he has just discovered. I stand up, "J, it isn't what it looks like."

"Not what it looks like?! It looks to me like y'all were about to fuck!" He screams and turns to walk out the door.

I make sure that my dress is pulled down before chasing after him, "JJ, wait!"

He turns frantically, "What?!"

"Let me explain."

"Oh, yes. Please enlighten me! For the third time tonight... what the FUCK was that?!" He screams again.

I look down at my feet, "When we went on vacation, Rafe and I started seeing each other. We haven't put a label on it but-"

He interrupts me, "So you're a booty call?"

"No it's not like that-"

"What is it then?!" He asks, interrupting for the second time.

I yell, "STOP INTERRUPTING ME!" A surprised look covers his face. I take a deep breath, "Okay. We are together. We've been hanging out and seeing where it goes. But please, JJ, for the love of God... please do not tell anyone! If any of the others find out, especially Sarah, I'm afraid I will lose them. I just need you to understand that this can't get out."

He pauses, thinking about what to say. "Why should I keep this a secret?"

"Because you're my friend. Friends help friends out. And right now, I need your help big time. Please. I'm begging you, J." I plead with him.

After careful consideration, he slowly nods his head. "But, if it comes down to it, don't think I won't tell. If it means I will lose my friends because I have to lie for you two, I will tell them in a heartbeat. I can't lose them, they are my family. You too... I'm just upset with you right now."

"That's okay. I understand. Thank you for keeping this secret for us. It means the world to me." I tell him.

"Yeah, yeah. I have to go take a few shots now, I need to get that image out of my head." He turns around and heads downstairs.

I let out a breath and walk back into the room to find Rafe pacing the floor with his hands on top of his head. He turns when he hears me close the door, "What happened? Is he gonna tell?"

My hand reaches up to touch his face, "No. He's gonna keep the secret."

"Oh, thank God." He breathes out and wraps me in a hug. "Can we finish what we started, then?"

I roll my eyes, "Um no... I'm not in the mood anymore. In fact, that scare almost sobered me up completely."

Rafe nods and pulls away from the hug. He gives me a sweet kiss on the lips. "We should probably go back downstairs, now. JJ is gonna think we are actually finishing."

"Agreed. Come on."

We part ways before we go downstairs. I feel a pair of eyes on me when I enter the living room. And I know exactly who's they are. I look at JJ and give him a small smile, silently thanking him again.

John B sees me and waves to get me to join them, "Haley! Where have you been? We sent JJ to look for you."

"Oh yeah, I was in the bathroom. Then my mom called and I had to answer so she wouldn't be worried. Anyway, I'm back now."

They all laugh at me then Kiara says, "I hope you didn't sound wasted. Knowing your mom, she will come up here and take you away from your own party."

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