Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: The rest of this story will have sexual content and situations. If you feel uncomfortable with this, you may want to turn back. It will get really steamy really quick! If not, then I hope you enjoy! 🤍


The next few days are spent with Kiara and the boys considering I am leaving for the Bahamas for a week with my other best friend. When they all found out they were all upset, saying that I'm gonna turn out full Kook. So what if I do? Would that be so bad? I would still be friends with them.

They just don't like the fact that I'm gonna be spending a week around Rafe. My parents on the other hand, are happy that I'm going because they said, 'this will make you appreciate your life and maybe you will stop hanging with Pogues.'

But, I'm not too worried about any of it. I'm going to the fucking Bahamas! What is there to worry about?

It's Sunday night and I'm spending the night at Sarah's so we can all get up early and load up the plane. Oh yeah, did I mention that her family has their own plane?! Pretty fucking cool if you ask me. We get to bed kinda early because we are gonna try to be on the plane by 8am, so I need my beauty rest. The next morning is spent loading their SUV, unloading it, then loading the plane. While I'm getting my suitcase out of the car, Rafe comes up behind me and whispers in my ear. "I can't wait to spend this week with you."

Chills run down my spine and I visibly shiver. He lets out a low laugh and says, "Did that turn you on?"

I take a sharp breath and I'm not able to move. He whispers again, "I will take that as a yes, sweetheart."

He walks away and climbs onto the plane. I stand there for a moment, collecting my thoughts before I jump on the plane with them. As I pass the seat he is in, he winks at me. I sit down next to Sarah and she wraps me in a side hug. "I can't wait for this week!"

"Yeah. Me either." I say, still shaking after my encounter with Rafe. And the answer to his question is... yes. It did.


The next five hours consist of dozing off while trying to watch a movie with Sarah. I got at least two really good naps in. But, when I would wake up, she would fall asleep and vice versa. Which then led to one of us elbowing the other, eventually giving up on staying awake. It wasn't long after I woke up from my second nap, that we were getting ready to land. I started to tap my fingers on the arm rest out of anxiousness and excitement. Sarah grunts beside me while she tries to wake herself up. She looks over at me, "Are we there yet?"

"Yeah, we are about to land. Put your seatbelt back on." I instruct her.

My hand grips the arm rest, preparing myself for the turbulence. I've never cared for flying but sometimes the stress is worth it.

The plane lands on a small, private strip. Ward stands up and says, "We are here, guys! Everyone grab your things and put them in the rental car."

Sarah turns to me, "This is gonna be the best week ever!"

Wheezie speaks up, "Yeah it will be good for you but you won't hang out with me at all this trip. We always do stuff together on vacations, Sarah."

"Don't worry, Wheeze. We will have some one-on-one time this week! I promise." Sarah smiles.

This makes Wheezie happy as she grabs her suitcase and runs off the plane. The rest of us grab everything and join her on the tarmac. Ward gathers us all around and gives us instructions about the next week. Most of the instructions being rules, but we listen nonetheless. To my right, Sarah is standing beside me and to my left is Rafe. Suddenly, I feel his large hand rest on my lower back, right above my ass. My body tenses up and I can't move. My breath is caught in my throat and I'm sure if I tried to speak, I couldn't. Out of my peripheral vision, I see a slight smirk form on his lips. His hand is quickly removed when Sarah turns towards me. "Dad isn't as strict as he may seem. Don't worry, we will still have a good time!"

I can only nod my head and smile, my words still caught in my throat. When we get to the house, I'm gonna have to talk to Rafe about this. What the fuck is going on?!

We all climb into the rented SUV and make the 15 minute drive to the Cameron's Bahamas house. I've been here before but I will inform you all on how it looks. It's really large, six bedrooms and eight bathrooms. There is a large pool in the back that overlooks the beach and the ocean. It's a gated community so you know it's pretty safe.

Since there are so many rooms, each of us get our own. And I love Sarah to death but I have a hard time sleeping in the bed with her. She tends to kick me every time which is not a pleasant sleeping experience. I pick out the room that I had last time I was here. It has a bathroom attached to it... all of the rooms do, actually.

Sarah yells at me from her room, "Hey I'm gonna take a quick shower."


Now is the time that I need to go talk to Rafe. His room is down the hall, but it's closest to mine. The door is open when I reach it, he is inside sitting on the edge of his bed. He looks up from his phone when I enter. "What's up?"

"What's up? I have been wanting to know the same thing, Rafe. What was that outside of the plane? Both times?" I ask.

He smiles, "What? I thought you would like that."

"I... I-" I stutter.

"Listen, Haley. I know you want me and to be honest, I have wanted you for a long time. So let's cut the shit and admit it."

I'm taken aback by his words. He wants me?

He continues, "This is the perfect time."

"No, Rafe. I can't do that to Sarah. She's my best friend." I shake my head.

"Fuck that." He grabs my hip with one hand and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear with the other. "She can deal with it."

My eyes unknowingly flicker from his eyes to his lips. He notices and smirks, "Do you want to kiss me?"

My breath catches in my throat once again. I shake it off quickly when I hear Sarah calling for me, "I have to go."

I pull myself out of his grasp and scurry down the hallway, making it into my room in time for Sarah to not notice I have left there. She pokes her head through the door, "Do you wanna go down to the beach? Or walk around the neighborhood? We might be able to find you a cute guy!"

I clear my throat, "Whatever you want to do."

"Okay! Get dressed for a walk then!" She exclaims.

I already found a cute guy though... he is right down the hallway.

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