Chapter 18

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AN: So when I posted a couple of chapters ago that I made my playlist public... I lied lol. I only just the other day realized that I forgot to make it public *dramatic eye roll*. Now that I've officially made it public, y'all go check it out please! It's on Spotify, my user is hcobb1999.

Side note: The outfit shown above is what Haley will be wearing to her birthday party this chapter!

This will be a long chapter!

Hope y'all enjoy!!🤍


Friday morning:

I wake up to the smell of bacon. The aroma waking me up almost immediately. Grabbing my phone, I check to see if I have any messages. I see multiple messages telling me happy birthday. To be honest, I would've forgotten about my birthday if they hadn't have texted me.

I'm sure my mother is making me breakfast. I muster up the energy to get out of bed and go downstairs to the kitchen. When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I see my mom still in the kitchen cooking. Waffles, bacon, eggs and fresh fruit are covering the counter beside her. She hears me enter the room and turns around with a big smile, "Happy birthday, honey!"

"Thanks mom." I say while rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"You just take a seat over there and I will make your plate for you. It's almost ready."

I sit down on the stool at the counter. She turns around with a plate full of bacon, puts it down on the counter and makes her way to me. Mom hugs me, which this will probably be the only one I get this year. So, I treasure what little time she's spent embracing me.

"Do you feel any older yet?" She asks with a giggle.

"No, I do not." I give her a small smile.

She grabs a plate and starts piling it up for me. "What are your plans for the day?"

"Well tonight, Sarah is throwing me a party at her house. So, I will spend the night there too. Not sure about today though. I might go hang out with Kiara."

Mom hands me my plate, "Okay, sweetie. That sounds like fun. Do you want some juice?"

"No thanks. Water please?" I ask her.

She nods her head, hands me a water bottle and makes her plate. I hear heavy footsteps coming down the stairs and I know it's dad. He comes up behind me and pats me on the shoulder, "Happy birthday."

"Thanks, dad."

Dad makes his plate and mom finishes making hers before sitting down on the stool next to mine. After breakfast, which was awesome, mom gets up and says she will be right back. I shrug it off and watch my dad as he looks on his phone. When mom returns, she has two bags in her hands. One is medium sized and the other is large. "Here are a couple of gifts from your father and I. We hope you like them."

"Oh, thank you guys." I say with a smile.

The first gift is the large bag that contains a new laptop. In the other bag is something that I have been wanting for a really long time... a camera. And it's a nice one too! I get up from my seat and hug my parents, thanking them. They awkwardly accept the hugs but I don't care. I'm really happy either way. "Thank you both so much!"

Dad gives a small smile, "You're welcome, sweetie. Do you have any plans today?"

"Yes. I was telling mom that Sarah is throwing me a party at her house so I will spend the night there too."

He nods his head, "Okay."

"Alright, I'm going upstairs and get ready to go hang out with Kiara. Thank you again for my gifts." I smile at them and go back upstairs.

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