Chapter 12

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Tomorrow is Sunday which means it will be our last full day in paradise. That also means that I have these two last days to spend with Rafe... still in secret but nonetheless, I can't wait.

My eyes flutter open and I feel a weight on my chest. I look down to see Rafe asleep with his arm laying on my stomach and his head on my chest. I move slowly, not wanting to wake him up just yet. I let my hand rub his back in a slow and soothing motion. This wakes him up almost immediately. He lifts his head up and turns it so that he is facing me. "Good morning, beautiful." He says in his scruffy morning voice.

Butterflies erupt in my stomach, "Good morning."

He smiles and closes his eyes again. Rafe takes a deep breath and sighs, "Damn, that was the best I've slept in a while."

"Really?" I ask as he scoots back up towards me.

"Yeah. Really."

He moves in to give me a kiss, but I push him away. "Nope, we need to brush our teeth."

Rafe laughs, "Okay, Princess. I will right now."

We both start to get up, but then I hear Sarah calling my name from down the hall. My eyes widen and so do Rafe's. I whisper, "Hide! Now!"

He jumps out of the bed and runs to the closet. In the process, he trips on my shoes. I try to hold in my laugh the best I can. He notices me laughing and before he shuts the closet door, he shoots me a bird. I do the same to him as Sarah reaches my door. Grabbing my phone, I sink back down in my bed while Sarah opens the door swiftly. "Oh, you're up? Good! We are gonna go shopping today because I'm sorry for the way I acted last night."

"Um it's okay. I forgive you." I say trying to hide the fact that I'm flustered.

She sighs, "No, I feel really bad for the way I talked shit about your other friends. And I'm not gonna tell you who you can or can't date. If you want to date JJ, that's fine. I just-"

I cut her off, "Sarah, I'm not interested in him. I was just messing with you but it got blown out of proportion. He's my friend, nothing more. All of them are just my friends."

"Yeah, I know. I'm just worried about you, I don't want you to feel lonely."

Smiling at her, I say, "Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Promise."

"Alright, good. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, you better get ready. We are gonna leave soon! I will meet you downstairs in 15." She says, leaving the room and closing the door.

Rafe slides the closet door open slightly, peeking out of it. Once he notices that his sister isn't in there anymore, he walks out. I can't help but laugh again at the thought of him tripping, "That was a close one." I say as I get out of the bed.

"Yeah it was." He says as he walks over to me standing in the middle of the room. He wraps me in a hug and I hug him back. We let go and he looks at me, asking, "You and JJ Maybank, huh?"

I laugh and hit him on the shoulder, "No! John B thinks he likes me though. But I'm not interested obviously." I say motioning between us.

"Good thing. I would hate to have to kick his ass."

"And I would beat you if you did that." I laugh.

He smirks, "Hmm, you'd beat me? Nah sweetheart, you wouldn't do that."

"I might just have to."

"I would like to see you try." Rafe smirks again and moves in to kiss me.

I push him away, "Brush your teeth, then you get a kiss. I'm gonna go brush mine now."

"Fine. I will be back for that kiss then." He says as he smacks my ass and walks to his room. I smile and shake my head, walking to the bathroom to get ready.

Bad Habits (A Rafe Cameron/OBX story)Where stories live. Discover now