Chapter 14

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AN: Okay people... the time is here! I am going to make my playlist for this book PUBLIC on Spotify! Check it out NOW!

This playlist is a collection of songs that inspired me to write and continue to inspire my writing. Some remind me of Rafe and his character, some bring me inspiration for Haley's character. It's a compilation of what I feel like the aesthetic for this book is and I'm obsessed with it!

So... I hope you all enjoy the songs I have put together for you all! My Spotify user is hcobb1999! 🤍 (and of course, the playlist is called Bad Habits)

*Also, a warning: this chapter will contain sexual content! I won't be giving anymore warnings after this so just be aware!*



My mind is on overdrive as I smack myself in the face for the way I just walked away from Rafe. This makes the third time I've done it! Or is it the fourth... I don't know but that's not the point. The point is that I don't need to be so terrified of being with Rafe. It's obvious that he likes me, he's told me quite a few times. And I like him. I mean who wouldn't, right?

I know that people think he is a douche and to be honest, he kind of is to most people. But, he's nice to me and he always has been. I need to stop making excuses for myself and I shouldn't have to explain why I like him. Also, I need to stop sitting here in the room, on my cold and empty bed, sulking. I have to pull up my big girl panties and face the facts.

I need him.

Part of me is telling me to stay where I am and talk to him about it later. But the bigger part of me is telling me to get up and go to his room. So, I listen to the big girl in charge and march out of my room... quietly. I tip-toe down the hall until I meet the door that's separating us. I don't bother knocking on the door, I just turn the knob and walk in. When I enter, I see Rafe sitting up in the bed, on his phone. He sees me standing in his doorway and gets up, "Haley? Is everything okay?"

I shake my head, "No."

He makes his way over to me and when he reaches me, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down to meet my lips. Rafe is shocked by my actions, but pulls me closer anyway. Every time I have ever kissed him, it's like the world is spinning faster than ever before. The feeling of his lips on mine lights me on fire. The kiss on the beach was slow compared to right now. This kiss is rushed, passionate and full of need. He breaks the kiss and before I can take a breath, he bends down and places both of his hands on the backs of my thighs, picking me up. I wrap my legs around him as he carries me to the bed. He kisses me again before he gently lays me on the bed. And before he climbs on top of me, he removes his shirt and throws it across the room. I take in the sight of his toned torso and smile. Rafe smiles back at me then climbs on the bed, hovering over my body.

Just like on the beach, his body lays in-between my legs. My hands grip his biceps as he holds himself up while kissing me. We kiss for, what seems to be, five minutes straight. Probably wasn't that long but I wouldn't mind if it was. I pull away so that Rafe can pull my shirt off. Then he moves to take off my shorts for the second time tonight. Once the shorts are off and thrown across the floor, he stands up to take his own shorts off. I stop to take in the view of his broad, bare back but I notice that he is walking to the door. I panic, thinking that he is going to leave me like I have done him a few times. "Where are you going?" I whisper.

He smiles and reaches for the doorknob, "Locking the door, sweetheart."

I take a deep breath and prepare myself for the next steps we are going to take. I sit up on my elbows and watch as he walks back to the bed. He gets back on the bed and kisses me again. But after the short peck, he whispers in my ear, "While you're sitting up, let's get this thing off of you."

Bad Habits (A Rafe Cameron/OBX story)Where stories live. Discover now