Chapter 10

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We just finished up our ATV ride and it was a blast. The both of us laughed, smiled, and screamed... the screams being mostly on my part.

At one point, I almost fell off of the damn thing. The tour guide had to stop because Rafe told him to, citing that I needed a short break. In reality I was fine, I just think that he wanted to make sure I was okay. It was honestly so sweet.

Now Rafe and I are walking back to the car, hand in hand. I squeeze his hand to get his attention, "Thank you for coming with me today. I had a great time."

"Yeah it was fun. I'm glad we did that." He smiles.

I stop to get on my tip toes and give him a soft kiss on the cheek. His smile grows even bigger when I say, "Me too."

The two of us reached the car and I grab my phone. I had a text from Sarah, a picture attached to it. She sent me a selfie of her and Ward, up in the air above the ocean. She's extremely brave to do that because I know that with my luck, my phone would've definitely dropped in the ocean. I turn my phone to Rafe to show him the picture, "Sarah sent me this."

"Oh hell no. I couldn't do that shit. My knees are wobbly just thinking about it." He cringes at the thought.

I laugh, "One day, I'm gonna get you to do something crazy like that with me."

He starts to shake his head at me, "Next time I get to pick out what we do, and it won't be anything wild."

"Aw, come on! You're boring."

Rafe shakes his head and asks, "What would you like to do now?"

After thinking for a moment, I say, "Let's just go back to the house. We can find a movie to watch."

"That is what we will do, then. But I get to pick the movie." He smirks.

"Okay, fine. As long as it's not scary."

He laughs evilly, "Oh, it will definitely be a scary movie. It's okay, though. I will be there to protect you." Then, he winks at me.

On any other occasion, I would not be watching a scary movie. But since I did pick out what we did today, it's the least I can do to let him pick the movie. I'm not a horror movie fan at all. One time I watched one with Kiara when we had a sleepover and I had nightmares for a week. I got little to no sleep in that whole week and I was just traumatized. Granted, we did watch the movie late at night and right now it's only 4 pm.

The both of us get back to the house and luckily we are the only ones there. I didn't wanna have to explain why Rafe and I were out together. Rafe asks me, "Do you want something to eat?"

"Sure. Are you gonna cook or something?" I laugh.

"Not cook... but I can make you a sandwich." He smiles sweetly.

I try to hide the blush on my cheeks from the sweet offer, "I could eat a sandwich."

Rafe nods and walks into the kitchen. I hear him yell from there, "You can go ahead and start looking for a movie if you want to."

The remote is laying on the couch right beside me. I pick it up and start to browse. I'm not sure why I'm looking though, because I know for a fact that Rafe already has a movie in mind. And I know it's gonna be a scary one, too.

A few minutes go by when I hear Rafe shuffling into the living room from the kitchen. He makes his way around the couch and hands me a plate with a sandwich on it. "It's a turkey sandwich with cheese, lettuce and tomato. I hope that's okay."

My face lights up, "It's perfect. Thank you."

He smiles and grabs the remote from me. "I have the perfect movie for us to watch!"

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