Chapter 22

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Waking up the next morning is a pain. My eyes open and I try to move but my neck is stiff from the way I slept last night. I look up, expecting to see Rafe but I only see the ceiling. Pushing past the pain in my neck, I turn my head to see Rafe asleep in the recliner across the room. Then, I hear a faint snore coming from the other couch. I move to see Sarah, also asleep down here. It feels good to know that they both stayed downstairs to make sure I'm okay.

I try not to giggle when Sarah almost flings her body off of the couch, but I fail. I glance over at Rafe and see that he has opened his eyes. He smiles at me, "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. Better than last night, but not the best." I honestly say.

My body slowly lets itself sit up from my laying position. I wave to Rafe, wanting him to come sit beside me. He gets up and takes a seat on the spot I left for him. I share my blanket with him and I feel him grab my hand that is under the fabric. He leans over and gives me a quick kiss before Sarah wakes up. And as soon as he pulls away, Sarah jolts awake. Rafe lets go of my hand, scooting further from me.

Sarah rubs her eyes, "How long have you guys been awake?"

"Not long." I say.

"Well I'm hungry. What about y'all?" She asks.

Rafe nods, "I could eat. What do you want, Haley?"

I shrug my shoulders, indicating that I don't care what we have. But I have something to say, "I just want to thank both of you for being there for me last night. Also for being there for me through many things. But last night could've gone way worse than it did and I'm so thankful that it didn't. Sarah, thank you for your comfort and love. And Rafe..." I turn and look at him, "Thank you for beating Chris's ass and taking up for me. If you weren't there, it would've been bad. So thank you for being there for me. It means the world."

Sarah says, "I'm just glad that you're okay. And I'm so happy that Rafe was there. I wouldn't have been able to take him down myself."

We laugh thinking about Sarah beating up someone... not a pretty sight. But then Rafe places a hand on my shoulder. "I would kick his ass again in a heartbeat. I wouldn't let anyone hurt you." Then he points to Sarah, "You too. No one will hurt either of you as long as I'm around."

"Thank you, Rafe." I smile at him. He winks at me and Sarah also thanks him. They give each other shit all of the time but when it comes down to it, they would do anything for one another. I love that about them.

Rafe stands up from the couch, "I will make breakfast. Are you okay with waffles, bacon and eggs?"

"Yes. Thank you." I smile up at my boyfriend, my heart skipping a beat when he smiles back.

Once he has left the room, Sarah joins me on the couch and wraps herself up in my blanket. She pulls me into a long hug, not wanting to let go. I hear her sniffle, so I ask, "Are you crying?"

She sniffles some more, "N-no. W-why would I cr-cry?"

I pull her away from me, tears have stained her cheeks and her eyes are red. "Why are you crying, Sarah?"

"Because... I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if Rafe wasn't there and you were hurt. I can't get the thought out of my head." A couple of tears fall from her eyes.

I grab her hands and smile, "I'm alright. Don't worry about the 'what if's' because everything is okay. Hopefully, Chris will leave me alone now."

Sarah scoffs, "He better! Or it's my turn to beat the shit out of him."

Soon after Sarah had her crying session and we talked about how everything is okay, Rafe enters the living room to tell us that breakfast is done. We all sit in the kitchen, eating, laughing and talking... just like old times.

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