Chapter 27

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TW: mentions of drug use, fighting and death.


"Alright everyone, party's over!" The announcement is made after Barry leaves. Everyone exits quickly, scared that he will come back with his friends. But I just stand there, holding Rafe's hand, trying to understand what the fuck just happened.

Ward runs up to us, "What was that, Rafe?!"

"Nothing, okay? Everything is fine." He assured his father.

"No, son, it's not okay! That guy had a gun and was threatening you for money! Not to mention that you put the whole country club in danger and most importantly to you... you put Haley in danger! So I'm gonna ask again. What just happened?!" Ward is getting frustrated.

Rafe's body tenses, "Dad, I'm handling it."

I grab his arm, resting my cheek against it for comfort. I'm observing Ward's behavior. If it weren't for me and everyone else here, I know that he would punch Rafe in the face. I can tell that by the way he is looking at his son.

Ward clenches his jaw, "I'm telling you, Rafe. You better straighten this out or you're moving out. I am not gonna deal with your shit anymore."

"I'm sorry." Rafe says.

"Sorry isn't gonna cut it for much longer. You are skating on very thin ice and you don't want to drown Haley too, do you?" Ward asks.

Rafe shakes his head, "No, sir."

"You've embarrassed me, your sisters and your girlfriend. Fix this or you're out. Got it?" Ward steps toward him and Rafe backs up, like he is afraid that he's going to get hit.

"Yes, sir."

My parents rush over to us, "Honey are you alright?" My mom asks.

"I'm fine, mom. No big deal." I assure her.

"I think you need to come home with us tonight." My dad says, grabbing my arm.

"No, I'm staying with Rafe." I say and pull my arm away from dad.

Mom sighs, "We want to know that you are safe and we want you home. So please, come with us."

"I'm not coming home! I am leaving with Rafe."

I grab Rafe's arm and pull him away. My parents are screaming at me to come back but I don't care. I need to be with my boyfriend. We need to talk.

We get in his truck and drive back to his house. My phone is going crazy from the calls and texts. Mostly from my parents but some are from friends. The drive is silent, neither one of us knowing what to say. When we pull into the driveway, I hop out of the car. The two of us walk inside, up the stairs and to his room. He shuts the door behind us and he turns around to see me standing in the middle of the room with crossed arms. "Rafe... I told you that I would help you if you needed it."

He ignores me, walks over to his dresser and opens the top drawer. He's searching frantically for something. I say, "Rafe!"

"What?!" He snaps.

"I need to know what's going on and you aren't communicating!"

"You don't need to know, Haley! I don't want you to get involved!" Rafe tells me.

I roll my eyes, "Yeah, I kinda do need to know! I'm very worried about you right now..."

He sighs, closes his drawer and walks over to his bed. He takes a seat on the edge and I take the spot next to him. "Fine... that was my dealer. I told you I would fix it but I still owe him some money for product I sold last week at the kegger. Now, I have to basically pull money out of my ass to pay this fucker. Not only that, but I've put a target on your back and I don't know what to do."

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