Chapter 21

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AN: First of all, I want to thank everyone for the love and support on this story! I love being able to share my imagination with you all! Every reader and every kind word, that's what keeps me going. Thank you, thank you, thank you.🤍

And, from this chapter onward, if there should be a sensitive topic in the chapter, I will insert a trigger warning. Which also includes this chapter.

TW: Attempted sexual assault.


I'm left speechless after realizing what just happened between Rafe and his father. I walk back up the stairs, thinking about him. Tears well up in my eyes at the thought of him crying in his room. My heart is breaking. There is nothing I want more right now than to check on him. Unfortunately for me, I can't let him know that I heard the conversation.

Knowing what I know now, how can I look at him without saying anything?

When I reach Sarah's room once again, I hear her shower cut off. I hurry back into her room and sit down on the bed. Soon after, she walks out of the bathroom. "Damn, I feel so much be- hey, you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost."

I snap out of my daze, "Oh... yeah... uh I'm gonna go on home and get ready. I will meet you there?"

"Yeah. Are you sure you're good?"

"I'm fine. I will see you later." I grab my things and walk out of the house. I'm walking to my car when I hear a voice call my name.

"Haley." I turn around to see the boy that I have been avoiding. "Hey, baby. I didn't know you were here."

Rafe pulls me in for a hug and I return the embrace, "Yep. I'm just leaving. I told Sarah I would go to that party at Ben's house tonight. So I'm going home to get ready."

"Oh alright. Do you want some company?" He asks with a smile.

"My parents are home so that's probably not a good idea. I will see you tonight, though?"

His face falls, "Yeah. See you tonight."

I stand on my tip-toes and give him a kiss. He smiles, reaching around me to open my car door for me. Before I close the door, he leans in for one more kiss. He pulls away and watches me as I drive away.

When I get home, my parents are sitting on the couch watching tv. I tell them of my plans tonight and that I will be staying at Sarah's house, as per usual. They say that it's fine and I walk upstairs to my room. As soon as I close the door behind me, I begin to cry. I'm worried sick about Rafe. I don't think this has happened to Sarah or Wheezie. It's more than likely just been Rafe.

How long has Ward been like this toward him?

My heart aches for my boyfriend and all the pain he has to be going through. I'm hoping that someday, he will open up and talk to me. He can't hold this in forever.


At around 8:30 pm, I pull up to Ben's house, where the party is being held. I see Rafe's truck is parked in the driveway, indicating that he is here. I don't see Sarah's car but she probably rode with Rafe or Topper.

Upon entering the house, the living room is filled with people. Not that I was expecting any less. I scan the room to find Sarah, only to see Rafe across the room. I make my way over there. His face lights up when he sees me. I stand beside him, trying to act nonchalant, "Have you seen Sarah?" I look up at him and ask.

"Yeah, she's in the dining room where the beer pong table is set up." He tells me.

I make sure no one is looking before grabbing his hand from his side and squeezing it. He smiles and does the same to mine.

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