Chapter 28

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*Two Weeks Later*

Things have changed since Rafe cut ties with Barry. All good things, though. We haven't fought hardly at all, aside from the one stupid fight we had over paying for dinner. I feel like our relationship is stronger than ever.

One of the biggest things that has been a change is that Rafe will hang out with the Pogues! Only while I'm around, obviously. But still an accomplishment nonetheless. We've taken him fishing, which is our favorite activity. We had a bonfire last week and Rafe came with me. All of us sat around, had some beers and chatted. No one fought or argued, it was so nice.

Today I've convinced Rafe to come over to my house and hang out with me, Kiara and the guys. My dad had a business trip this weekend in Florida and mom joined him. Blake is staying with our aunt because my parents apparently don't trust me to take care of him. Which, in all honesty, is probably the best option. So, I've been home alone and I need some company.

My phone rings and I see that Sarah is calling me. I answer, "Hello?"

"Hey! What are you doing today?" She asks.

"Kiara and the boys are coming over to hang out. Rafe is coming too. My parents are out of town so my place is the hang out spot for a few days."

She says, "Oh, alright. Sounds fun."

I take a chance and ask, "Do you wanna come over too?"

Sarah hesitates, "I don't know..."

"Oh come on! It will be fun!" I tell her.

She thinks for a moment but finally gives in, "I guess I can stop by."

"Great! I will see you in a couple of hours? They will be here around 3." I say.

"Sure. I will be there" She sounds hesitant but I know she will come just for me. I'm sure she only doesn't want to come because of Kiara, and I understand that they had a falling out a couple of years ago. But, I want her there. They don't even have to talk to each other.

Anyway, Rafe is on his way over to hang out with me before everyone else gets there. And to help set everything up out back.

In my backyard, we have a pool with a hot tub beside it. There is an outdoor kitchen, complete with a lounge area and TV. We also have a fire pit that we might set up if it gets a little chilly tonight.

It's around noon when I hear my doorbell ring. I sprint down the stairs to get the door, opening it to see Rafe standing on the other side. He grins when the door swings open, "Hey baby."

"Hey!" I stand on my tip toes and wrap him in a hug, "I missed you!"

He laughs, "You saw me yesterday."

"I know... but I always miss you." I give him a kiss on the cheek.

"You're too cute." He grins, pulling me closer.

I let go of him and shut the door. My hand grabs his, making him follow me to the living room. I sit down on the couch and he sits next to me. I ask him, "Do you wanna watch a movie?"

"Yeah sure. But I want to watch a scary movie." He smirks at me.

"No scary movies today, Rafe. Let's watch something funny!"

He pouts, "Fine. But I get to pick next time."

I grab the remote and settle on a movie that both of us will enjoy. We both cuddle up underneath my favorite blanket. Rafe's long legs stretch out across the couch, leaving me with only enough room to lay on my side while beside him. My back is against the back of the couch as I lay my body almost on top of his. I could fall asleep to the touch of his fingers rubbing my back softly.

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