Chapter 30

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TW: Gun violence


"Sarah, come on! We are about to leave you here if you don't hurry!" I yell.

"I'm coming! God!"

Today is the day of the boat party that Rafe planned at my house last weekend. We've all been looking forward to it but it can't start until we actually get on the boat! I'm about to go upstairs and drag Sarah down by her feet.

Rafe peaks his head through the front door, "Where is she?"

"She's still in her room even though we were supposed to leave FIFTEEN MINUTES AGO!" I exclaim.

Finally, little Miss Princess trots down the stairs, toting a huge bag full of things, "I'm ready."

"Jesus! What all do you have in there?!" Rafe asks.

"Sunscreen, tanning oil, lip balm, etc."

Her brother rolls his eyes, "Yes! Because God forbid that Sarah Cameron gets a little sunburnt."

I grab Sarah's hand and push Rafe out of the door, "Alright let's just go!"

We all walk down to the dock where the Cameron's family boat sits. "Are you sure dad was okay with this?" Sarah asks.

"I didn't ask." Rafe says.

Sarah shrugs her shoulders but my heart rate spikes knowing that Ward will more than likely get super mad at Rafe for not asking. And we all know what will happen. All I can do is hope that isn't the case.

The three of us are meeting the Pogues at John B's house. It is now 11:30 am and we were supposed to be picking them up at that time. You see how that went. Anyway... I make sure that we have everything we need for today, including alcohol, before we take off. I text the group to let them know we are leaving. The boat ride to the house will probably be around thirty minutes, so we will get there around noon. Lucky for us, I made sandwiches for everyone, which I could really go for one right about now.

"Are we ready to go?" Rafe asks us.

"Yep!" I say, sitting next to him while he steers.

He smiles, "Alright ladies. Let's roll."

I turn to him with a straight face, "Don't ever say 'let's roll' again. It's not your style."

"I guess not, huh?" He laughs.

Sarah jumps in, "Nah you sound stupid all the time."

"I'm gonna stop you two right there! No fighting, fussing or anything of the sort. Let's make today a fun one." I interject. "Got it?"

They both nod and we continue on our way. Rafe sits down after he steers us away from the dock. I lay my head on his shoulder, close my eyes and feel the cool breeze hit my skin. My mind wanders, thinking about how grateful I am to have everything that I have. Family, friends and an amazing boyfriend. What more could I ask for?

After about thirty minutes, just like I expected, we arrive at John B's dock where the Pogues are sitting. They wave in our direction when they see us. I smile and make my way to the front of the boat. JJ stands up, catching the rope that I throw for him to tie to the dock. "Hello friends!" I say.

"What's up?" John B asks.

"Do I need to grab anything before we leave?" Pope asks them.

JJ says, "As long as I have my Mary Jane, I'm chill. And that's in my pocket."

Kiara tells them, "Make sure you have your sunscreen! I'm not responsible if y'all get a sunburn!"

They all climb on the boat, throwing their things on the seats. Sarah climbs down from the top deck, "Hey guys."

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