Horrid Day

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This day was getting worse with every passing second. I had done mortifyingly bad in a semester paper I had put a lot of effort in, a guy I was just fooling around with decided that this is not what he wanted. All I wanted to do was go back home and lie down and just ignore everything. Life wasn't supposed to be like this, two years in university and I've had exactly one long term relationship and more flings than I can count. I'm studying a subject I don't even like. So far at least I was good at it, now even that was slipping. Life wasn't supposed to be like this.

When I shut the door to my apartment I heard loud footsteps, far too loud. Great! I thought, now Claire is mad at me about something as well. All I wanted was to lie down.

"What's this?" She said in a clipped tone, she tries so hard to be intimidating that I just pretend like it's effective. She was holding up her phone, after squinting my eyes, I just sigh and move closer to see what it was. It was a picture of me and her boyfriend Marcus, him trying to slide his hands up my dress and my politely trying to stop him.

"What do you mean? It's your boyfriend being a bloody douchè and me trying to remind him that he's dating my best friend." I say with a tired voice, I was very sick of this.

"Well it looks like you're smiling in this picture, and even the vulgar lighting couldn't hide that flush on your cheeks." She said as she crossed her arms in front of her narrowed her eyes. I narrowed mine back at her with more bitterness than hers.

"I cannot believe this Claire!" I said exasperated. "Okay first of all your precious love bunny is the one with his hand up my skirt, and secondly I was drunk.."

"When are you not?" She scoffed out.

"Excuse me?" I said with genuine disbelief, I could not believe she was pulling that card on me. "I don't need a moral check from you, which, by the way reminds me, what did your love boy say about this? Did he say he was looking for his wallet? Or that I put his hand there?" As I said this she uncomfortably pulled her hands down and stood up straight in an obviously defensive position.

"Oh my God." I said with renewed realisation. "You haven't even asked him have you? So you're standing here pointing your finger at your best friend and he doesn't even know about this?" I was, despite myself, screaming at her. I didn't like raising my voice, there was no point. I just turned from her and started walking to my room. I needed to get out of here.

"Well it's not like you've given me much of a reason Rachael, we all know what you're infamous for." She said in a softer tone as she walked into my room as I was putting a dress on. I pulled it down and looked at her and said.

"Honey, even with my easy nature, I can still do better that your boyfriend." She looked hurt and I felt bad for just a second for going too far, then I kneel down to strap my heels on. She just turned around and left. I sat down to put on some make up. I'm going into town tonight.

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