🖤The Mission💛

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Hunter's POV

A masked and cloaked figure walks down a hall, the clicking of his heels being the only sound around him.

He had just been called into his uncle's office  for another assignment. Having been on a really good winning streak, he was feeling good about this one. I mean, how bad could it be! Take down a wild witch group? Go harass a few prissy adults? E-Z

When he arrived at the door and walked in, Belos was already facing him. He kneeled down in front of his uncle, looking down. "What did you need, Sir?"

Belos cleared his throat. "Do you remember the Blight family, Hunter?"

"O-of course I do." He glanced up.

"Edric blight has run away from his family and become a wild witch. Your job is to track him down and convert him to a coven. If you cannot do that, take care of him. He is too powerful to roam wild."

Hunter nodded, gravely, and stood up. He walked out the door with a lot of thoughts.

'I've never met Edric. I wonder what happened? Either way, this should be an easy mission.'

It was not an easy mission.

It really should've been! But Belos wasn't lying, he really was powerful. Every time Hunter caught a glimpse of that well known green hair, it vanished as soon as he'd seen it. It was like the illusionist was playing tricks on him!

It's been a week since this began, and Hunter was exhausted. He'd barely gotten any sleep, and his uncle's affliction had caused him a few new scars in his updates. They're running through palismans at a rapidly increasing rate, and he's had to spend entire nights looking for more.

So he decided today would be a nice day to take a break and get some coffee from a new cafe that opened up in town.

He didn't wear his cloak today, but had a black mask covering his mouth. He's become increasingly more and more self conscious of his scar and teeth.

He wore a yellow sweater over a white collared shirt, dark blue pants, and black shoes. He also had fingerless black gloves to cover the callousness and bruises on his palms, as well as his coven emblem.

The ring of the cafe door signified his entrance, and he walked up to the register. There stood a teen, around Hunter's age, with light blue hair. He looked tired and kind of annoyed to be standing there.

"Hello, welcome to the Moon cafe, what would you like to order? We have uhh, donuts today. Those are good. Coffee, too, I guess." He mumbles after his sentence. Something about minimum wage jobs and dumb bounty hunters.

"Oh, can I get a vanilla coffee with cinnamon?" He nervously taps his fingers together and slightly rocks back and forth on his heels.

"Sure thing, have a seat whenever you want." He continues to grumble about it being too early as Hunter walks away and towards a table in the back right corner of the cafe.

He sits awkwardly for a few minutes until his coffee is set down in front of him. He looks up and mumbles a "Thank you" until he sees who's in front of him.


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