💛New Threat💛

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Lots of oc lore in this chapter, probably. I swear it's driving the story along. Trying not to make ocs the main focus at all, just supporting characters.

It's early morning once again. Hunter had been woken from a surprisingly refreshing and peaceful rest by a guard, telling him he was needed by his uncle.

He sighed and rolled out of bed, literally. Onto the floor, hard. He continued to lay there for a few minutes before actually getting up, groaning the entire time.

He got dressed and draped his cloak over his shoulders as always, topping it off with his mask.

When he walked outside of his room and into the halls of the emperor's caste, he immediately noticed guards waiting beside his door.

"Good morning sir!" Both guards shouted at the same time.

"Oh. Good morning." He waved at them awkwardly and continued on his way.

He walked into Belos' office, and looked up. As always, his uncle was standing there.

"Hunter, good morning."

"Uh- Good morning, sir." He bowed nervously. "What did you need me for?"

"I've noticed your current mission hasn't been successful yet. I expect more from you, Hunter."

"I-I'm sorry sir. The mission is harder than I anticipated."

"I know. Which is why I brought you help. Hunter, meet your new partner."

Hunter hadn't even noticed someone else was here before, but there was. Standing next to Belos was a pretty short person. They're wearing a white cloak and a white mask with large, void-like, eye holes.

Attention being brought to the figure, the holes of their mask begins glowing gold. That's...odd. They nod towards Belos, who gestures towards the door.

"You two may be on your way, now. You have much work to do. Don't disappoint me, hunter."

As soon as the door shut behind them, the cloaked figure turned to Hunter.

A hand was stuck out for a handshake. "Nice to meet you, my name is BadLuck, the bounty hunter. You can call me Bad. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, or whatever."

Hunter akwardly shook his hand.

"You're a bounty hunter? You sound so young, though."

"Yeah, I get that a lot. I'm good at what I do, that's all that matters."

Now that Hunter gets a better look at him in different light, a few traits are noticeable.

Most importantly, he's holding a palisman staff with a crow at the end. Hunter freezes. "How can you have that around here? Wild magic is strictly forbidden!"

"It's part of my deal with working for the coven. I'm allowed to continue using wild magic as long as I work to benefit the coven. I'm more useful alive than dead, y'know."

"So why are you teamed with me, exactly?" He still hadn't connected the dots of why this boy was even here.

"Oh, easy. I'm gonna help you hunt down that 'Wild illusionist'."


"Wait- what? I can totally do this on my own!" He was becoming nervous. This could literally ruin everything. He had to talk to Edric, SOON.

Bad looked out a window and noticed the time. "Oh, I've gotta get home. Meet me in town square around midnight, we need to discuss our mission." He opened the window. "This is faster, I'll see you later!"

And he's gone.

Hunter was practically frozen in space. Too much had just happened at once. New partner, more threats towards his friends? This was a lot to handle, but he knew one thing.

He probably had to tell edric.


Not super proud of this chapter, but it's laying the basis for new plot, so I guess it's good. As always, leave your thoughts, questions, etc, below!

-Your very tired author, BadLuck (who for plot reasons is now a bounty hunter. and technically a villain?)

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