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Thank you guys for the support, I really didn't expect to get as far as I have currently, so it's really cool. Enjoy the chapter!

Obviously the first place one would look for the viridescent male is the coffee shop. It was still only around 2:00 Pm, giving Hunter a lot of time to get to him, as well as a lot of time until he's agreed to meet with the mysterious bounty hunter Bad.

Hunter walked to his room to change into casual clothes and get his staff. He looked at himself in the mirror, sideways, and nodded at himself. Today he wore a black, short sleeved, hooded crop top and black shorts, because it was hot outside again. (And manliness is not defined by clothes, boys. You look amazing in crop tops I swear. Buy some. Steal your family's.)

He walked outside his door and bumped into a  scarlet skinned dwarf he wished he'd never met.

"Golden guard! Where are you going? You haven't trained in a week!"

Hunter looked down at Kikimora. "Unlike you, Kiki, I actually have a more important mission than bothering people. So if you'd step to the side, I have some things I need to do."

Kikimora's skin became even redder, if you can believe it. She gripped her hands tightly, and stepped away from the door. "Of course, Golden Guard. But don't think you'll get away with avoiding training this easily."

Hunter stuck his tongue out at her annoyingly. "I train in the mornings now, Kiki. Maybe skip some beauty rest and you'll find that out. Obviously it's not working anyways~"

And he was off down the hallways, silently praising himself for not cracking under anxiety at a simple interaction.

He walked outside the castle calmly. Since he carried around his staff, the guards immediately bowed at him and let him out the doors.

Today was a hot day, but not too hot. It was mildly inconvenient and super annoying, but it's not melting people at least. Still, Hunter wanted to get back into the cold indoors as soon as possible, so he flew to the  cafe instead of walking.

When he walked in, everything was like normal. There were a few customers sitting around and chatting or doing homework, and the smell of coffee was in the air.

Hunter walked up to the counter. "Hey Ice." Ice, as always, was wearing the same cafe uniform. He looked down at Hunter. "Hey Hunter, same as usual?" Hunter nodded, and walked over to the table he normally sits at.

Like clockwork, a familiar verdant haired male set his coffee down. Ed grinned at him. "Hey cutie, come here often?"

Hunter grinned back. "Yeah, but I'd prefer your house." He ended his really bad addition with a wink. Edric stood there silently for a few seconds, turned bright red, and immediately turned around and sped walked towards his station, causing Hunter to laugh quietly.

As always, Ice had a smug look as Edric walked back towards him. "Oh what a shame, he can flirt too. Who could have ever guessed."

"Shut it."

When Hunter walked back towards the counter to pay, he asked Ice to get Ed's attention for something.

Edric turned to him, "You need something Hunter?"

Hunter nodded. "Yeah I need to actually tell you something really important." His facial expression helped Edric realize how serious this is.

"I'm taking my break, one second. Wait for me outside."

After a few minutes, Edric walked outside and stood next to Hunter.

"What did you need?"

Hunter took a deep breath. "Belos thinks I'm not doing my mission well enough. He hired a bounty hunter to help catch you. You need to be careful."

Ed nodded. "I get it. I'll be on watch for anyone suspicious. Don't expect me to go down easy!" He smiled, but it was half hearted.

Hunter smiled. "I know you'll be safe. Just wanted to warn you. Now, I need to go. I have to meet this bounty hunter in a few hours. Bye."



That went better than expected. Of course, Hunter naturally worries a lot. I guess we'll just have to see what happens next.

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