💛A Final Day To Say I Love You💚

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1 Day Left

It was the final day before the plan would commence, and Hunter was stressing out. He spent the first half of the day lying on Ice's couch, rambling about how bad everything could go, as Edric and Ice baked a cake.

It had maybe been a full hour of ranting when a plate is set oh his chest. He snaps out of his speech and looks at the plate. On it is a simple yellow and green cake. He sat up to eat.

Ice chuckles. "I thought the colors were funny."

Edric nodded. "I just liked them."

Hunter looked at the design on the top of his cake slice. "And, what are the frogs about?"

Ice smiled. "Frog."

Edric showed his boyfriend his slice. "Mine has one too! Look, they match up!"

Exactly as he said, the two frogs on their slices seemed to be holding hands, upon further inspection. One frog had a scar, like Hunter.

"Okay so maybe I got a bit carried away." Ice takes a bite of his cake.

"How gay did you make it, Ice?"

"I didn't put any rainbows! Just think of this like a wedding cake, but for you guys finally dating!"

Hunter blushed, taking a bite of his cake. "Whatever. It's pretty good."

Edric grinned, laying on the couch, his head in Hunter's lap. "Well, of course, I helped make it!"

Hunter smiled at his cocky boyfriend. "Of course. You did great, honey."

Edric, not expecting the praise, immediately turned bright red.

Ice grinned. "Aw, you look like Amity. I guess it runs in the family."

Edric shoots a small ball of magic at him. "Shut up, Ice!"

Ice immediately retaliates with a slightly bigger ball of magic. This causes a small fight to break out among the two teens.

At some point, Hunter manages to worm his way away from the altercation, and slowly sneaks higher up into the treehouse.

He goes upstairs, and finds himself in a cozy attic area. He notices a window on the far wall, and easily slips out of it, farther up the tree.

He sits on the roof of the treehouse and stares at the sky. It was a nice day today. Hunter is glad he got to spend it with his friends.

After a while of just looking at the sky, a sound comes from below him, and Edric climbs up beside him.

He smiles at his lettuce-haired god of a boyfriend.

"Hey, Ed."

"Hey. What are you doing up here?"

He leans into a laying position on his back. "Just looking at the sky. This may be one of the final times I see it, you know?" He fidgets with his hands.

Edric leans over and softly grabs Hunter's face with one hand. "Hey. Don't say that, it's going to be okay. I swear."

Hunter smiles, "Thanks, Ed." They gaze into eachother's eyes until they're snapped out of their stare by a familiar voice.

"Hey, stop being gay! Let's go watch some really bad movies and play this human card game called 'Uno'" Ice waves up to the two, who laugh after an awkward pause.

Once he leaves, Edric clears hid throat. "Before we go back down...I love you, genuinely. You mean a lot to me, and I'm glad we met."

Hunter leans in and pecks Edric on the lips.

"I love you, too, now let's go play some games. Lets make today count.

It's the final day, it needs to be memorable, you know!"

They spent the rest of the day goofing off and playing games, generally just having a good time. They decided to all sleep in Ice's living room, and passed out watching a dumb movie they somehow got from the human realm.

As they fell asleep, they all had a similar feeling.

Anticipation for the next day.


Last Day, boys! Tomorrow is the day of the plan. Any theories on what might happen?

Question! I've asked this before, but who's your favorite character in the story?

I hope this chapter was enjoyable, see you guys tomorrow, hopefully!

-Your author, BadLuck!!

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