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❗TW!!// Violence, Fighting, Arguments❗

After learning of the missing, and almost definitely captured, status of his friends, Ice strategized a plan with the animals in the house using his limited beastkeeping skills.

Which would be kinda sad, if Persephone weren't so good at planning. Cat-like instincts, probably.

Ice's ferret was snoozing on the table, seemingly growing slowly longer than it was before. Rascal was holding a red pencil in his beak and scratching a map of the castle onto a piece of paper.

Persephone stared at it, before using her claw to circle a specific room, the throne room.

Ice pet the two animals. "Great job, guys! I'm gonna save Edric and Hunter." He looked down at Persephone. "And I'm gonna get Jay back."

The cat nodded happily.

Ice turned to grab his napping ferret. "You two stay here to hold down fort."

Rascal did an 'Aye-Aye' salute, with a serious face. Persephone nodded.

"Okay. Well, it's time to go!"


Ice, wearing the invisibility cloak he wore before, quietly started sneaking into the gates of the castle.

He slipped into the doors of the castle while the guards weren't looking, and started casually walking down the hallways.

All was going well until he tripped over something. Or...Someone.

He stood up and looked around for what he tripped over.

There wasn't anything there. That's odd..

He was proven wrong as a voice cleared it's throat. He looked down.

Standing there was a small woman. Very small, maybe three feet tall. She had bright red skin, and kinda looked like a goblin. Or a really tiny orc. An emo one.

She glared up at him.


Ice chuckled and nudged her slightly with his foot.

"You look funny."

She turned a brighter red, if that was even possible. "EXCUSE ME? You will be petrified! Petrified for this! Or, better yet, I'll kill you! Right now!" She angrily spun a staff around.

Ice gripped his staff. "I'd like to see you try!"

Kikimora summoned a ring of fire around them. She was obviously fuming.

Ice grinned. If she was this mad, it'd be easy to trick her with illusions.

He spun his staff in a wide circle, watching as about 20 other versions of himself appeared, surrounding Kikimora. They all began walking around her in unison.

She growled. "Your foolish tricks will not work on me, illusionist! I will find you." She began taking out the illusions, but more would just appear each time she hit them.

Eventually, she began to tire, and Ice caught her in a weak point. He showed up behind her quickly, knocking her out with a bonk on the head.

The flames around him dispersed, and he stretched his arms.

That's one problem down, now the big one.

Finding the boys.


Edric and Hunter stood in front of The Emperor. Belos glared down at them.

"Welcome back, nephew. And it seems we've finally caught the one thing that caused you to disobey me. This puny Blight boy." He grabbed Edric by the hair, who couldn't stop him due to the binds on his hands. He yelled in pain.

Hunter angrily stepped forward. "Don't touch hi-" He's hit lightly in the chest by a staff.

Bad looks at him, no emotion being seen due to his mask. His voice showed an equal amount of emotion.

"Don't touch the Emperor, It'll just make things worse."

"Who are you to say anything to me after you did this to us? You betrayed your own brother." He sneered.

Bad visibly clenched his fists, shaking slightly. "Excuse me? Ever since you LEFT, I've had to take all of your jobs, as well as the multiple I already had. Dangerous jobs, jobs not even you were allowed to do! You betrayed this coven, and you betrayed me."

He crossed his arms, making himself seem smaller. "I did this for my brother. He'll understand when this is all over."

"Understand? Bad! What is there to understand? That you murdered his two best friends? That you're the reason we're dead?"

Bad shrunk even further. His voice seemed so frail. "It's...It's better this way.." He backed up closer to Belos.

Belos dropped Edric to the ground, who quickly backed up closer to Hunter.

Belos began speaking again. "Normally, I would petrify you two, but not may give the public the wrong ideas. Don't want to start any rebellions, so I'll just kill you myself."

Edric and Hunter looked at each other, sadly accepting their fates. They huddled closer to each other.

And then a noise rang throughout the room.


Ooh cliffhanger!!! Next chapter is a BIG one. Not size wise, importance wise.

Hope you enjoyed the kinda long chapter and me mocking Kikimora, as well as the double upload today!! Bye guys!

-Your author, BadLuck!

(As always, not grammar or spell checked, please tell me if you see any mistakes)

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