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BIG TW!!// GORE, BLOOD, VIOLENCE. I wouldn't recommend reading if you're bad around any of these things, but this is an important chapter❗

Ice burst into the room. He glared directly at Belos. "I'm going to kill you."

The absurdity of the statement distracts the Emperor and Bad long enough for Hunter and Edric to back away towards Ice.

Ice quickly cut their binds. "You two are weak right now, stay safe for now and regain your strength."

Edric nodded. "What are you gonna do?"

"Like I said," Ice tightened his grip on his staff. "I'm gonna kill him."

He walked back over to Belos, who had snapped out of his confusion.

Belos glared down at him apathetically. He spoke in a dark tone.

"I wasn't aware you were also an issue." He waved his hand. "BadLuck. Kill him, too."

Bad showed no reaction towards the words, apart from holding his staff in an offensive stance.

Ice growled. "What did you do to him? Mind control?"

Belos shook his head. "It's a wonder what a few words can do to convince somebody."

Ice quickly blocked an attack from Bad. "You're sick!"

He blocked two more hits.

"Maybe, but it is affective, and that's all that matters."

Ice tried to reason with his brother. "Jay- I know you're in there. This is insane! You have to be in there!"

Bad didn't respond. He just kept mindlessly attacking.

Ice sighed. "Okay..maybe I need to actually fight you." He drew a circle in the air, causing multiple of him to appear.

He used the used the clones as a decoy, sweeping Bad under the leg. Bad topped to the ground, but easily got back up.

His attacks seemed to get slower. Ice realized he may slowly be gaining consciousness.

He tried to reason again. Better safe than sorry.

"Look what you're doing, Jay! You're attacking your own brother. You're trying to kill my friends? What's gotten into you."

Bad looked up at him. "It's for the best." He weakly swung at Ice, who easily blocked the hit.

"The best? How is that the best?"

"If I kill them, maybe he'll spare you. I just need to.. knock you out." He swung again.

Ice jumped away from the hit. "It's Belos! He'd never let that happen. I'd be petrified for protecting them, best case scenario."

"Well yeah but-" He was pushed back by an attack from Ice.

"No buts! What do you think will happen? He'll magical make an exception for you, not just make you kill me right there?"

He pushed him back again, they were nearing Belos.

"Well-" He was pushed back again.

"Face it, Bad. If you continue working for this coven, I'll die here."

Bad faltered. "No you won't! I'm doing this for you!"

Ice punched him, the blow knocking off his mask.

"You're an idiot, Jay. But you're still my brother. Please, just, change your mind."

Bad's eyes teared up. "I-" He stepped forward slightly.

"Oka-" He's cut off by a pain in his chest. He coughed, and blood came out of him mouth.

"Oh...So this is how it..went.." His eyes darkened, and he went falling forward, into Ice's arms.

Ice looked down at his brother. "Jay- Jay?? Are you okay? We can- We can fix you just- hold on.." He looked back at his two friends who stayed out of the fight until now. "EDRIC! HELP-"

Edric rushed over, grabbing Jay from Ice's arms. "It's okay! He's still breathing."

Hunter stood in front of them, glaring at Belos as he wiped his blood covered hands on his cloak.

"What a shame.. It's always a pity to lose a valuable warrior. But, the coven will move on."

Ice stood up, fuming. He wiped his eyes. "Oh I don't think anything is moving on except the Boiling Isles after you mysteriously die." He gripped his staff.

"I doubt you can touch me."

Ice narrowed his eyes. "Really? I was about to say the same thing."

Ice drew a giant circle, tens of clones appearing around Belos.

Belos laughed. "I know how your illusions work, you can't trick me. None of these are real."

"Oh, aren't they? Let's see about that."

At once, the clones attacked. Belos ignored them, until they actually began landing blows.

He backed up. "What? How are you doing that?"

Ice smiled slightly. "It really pays to multi-class." He drew a circle in the air, and shut his illusion off.

Surrounding them was about a hundred abominations. Ice pointed towards Belos. "Abominations, attack with your full force."

All of the abominations attacked him at the same time.

"What? You shouldn't be able to do this! I'm all powerful! I could ruin you!" He began sinking into the abominations.

"And currently you're sinking into purple goo, so I'd really like to see you try."

"I will kill you! All of you!" He continued swearing at the teens.

Edric walked over, having swapped places with Hunter.

"Here's a spell even I know." He drew a large circle that gave off a thin mist.

"Goodnight, Emperor. We have an example to make out of you."


Okay guys you might be crying for multiple reasons, but the most sad of all! We have about two chapters left :(.

Hope you guys enjoyed, sorry for the tears. On the bright side, I can show you some art! Tw// Blood and Gore!!

See you guys next time!!

-Your author, BadLuck!! (Who is basically dying)

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