💛Human Girl💜

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The two sat and stared at the starry sky for a while. A somber silence was in the air. A mutual feeling between the two, yet so vastly different.

After what might have been an hour of pure thoughtful silence, Bad stood up. The bounty hunter turned his palisman into a staff, and looked down at Hunter.

"I have to get home now. It was..nice, talking to you. Same time tomorrow?"

Hunter nodded and made a noise of agreement.

I guess I should go home too.



There was no new orders for the day, so Hunter just decided to do what he did every day. Go to the cafe, of course. Every day seemed to be a repeat of the last, but it was at least a nice repetition.

As always, the doorbell rang throughout the building as he walked in.

Ice looked up at the sound, and smiled. "Hey Hunter! Your coffee is already being made."

Hunter smiled back. "Hi Ice, and thanks!"

The cafe was pretty slow today, not many people were sitting at tables or getting takeout coffee.

Hunter sat down in his usual seat, and began dosing off while staring out a window. It was a nice day, today. The sky was clear, and the temperature was basically perfect.

It'd be a nice day to go out with friends.

For as long as he'd known, that thought had always left a hole in his heart. But now, he has friends. Not many, but more than he's had before.

That's... A pleasant thought.

He's snapped out of his thoughts at the familiar gesture of a cup being set down in front of me. Edric.

Hunter looked up. "Thanks, Ed." He smiled lightly.

Edric turned bright red. "UH HUH! YOU'RE WELCOME BYE-" He turned around to walk away once again, but was stopped by Hunter.

"Wait- Uh- Ed!"

He turned around slightly. "Yeah?"

"Do you wanna, um, hang out later- or something?" He looked to the side, semi-flustered. This is a lot more embarrassing than I expected. "You and Ice? I've never really.. hung out with friends before..because you guys are my first real friends."

Edric smiled lightly. "I'll ask Ice, but I'm fine with it." Then, he began to walk away.

After there conversation, Hunter's attention was drawn back to the noise of the cafe, where the door had just been open.

In walked a small group of people, all around their early teens.

At the lead of the group was a boy with brown hair and a girl with a dark grey-blue hair who was wearing glasses.

Next, was a blonde boy with freckles and a boy with purple hair, who was listening as the shorter boy talked excitedly about something.

Lastly, was two people he recognized well,yet hadn't had an interaction with in far too long. Amity Blight, the youngest of the Blight family, and Luz Noceda. The human girl who, for all past reasons, he's despised. They were holding hands, and talking happily to each other.

They're so happy. I can't affect that. Not anymore, I won't take that away.

Hunter continued sipping his coffee as he watched the blonde boy approach the counter and start talking with Ice. Ice nodded along, writing down things on his notepad.

Suddenly, Luz, who was looking around, locked eyes with Hunter. Her eyes widened and she gestured wildly at him. "YOU!!"

Amity turned to where she was pointing, and glared. She ran up to him and held her staff up against his neck. "What do you think you're doing here, creep?"

Hunter, actually kinda scared, nervously chuckled. "W-well, if it isn't the- uh- human girl and uh??? You-" He gave up really quickly on his evil monologue and sighed. "Listen I'm not here to-"

"Shut up! I don't care what you say. You'll pay for last time!"

Oh yeah, she's pretty mad about the necklace, huh.

He'd honestly forgotten about Eclipse Lake, since it happened weeks ago. He hadn't seen her since that happened, either.

She lifted up her staff to swing it down on his face, and he flinched backwards, shutting his eyes. He waited for the blow, but one didn't show up. He opened his eyes slowly.

Standing there, was Ice. He was holding onto the end of Amity's staff, and glaring at her.

"Excuse me, miss! I'm going to have to ask you to follow the rules of this cafe and NOT BEAT UP PEOPLE." He gestured to the "No Fighting On Cafe Grounds!"

Amity glared at him, pulling her staff from his grasp. "I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR RULES! This monster deserves whatever comes to him!"

Hunter looked down. Well that's a bit harsh. I just broke your necklace and stole it. And, to be fair, he was really struggling that day.

When Hunter zoned back in, Amity was being talked to by Luz, who looked worried, and Ice was talking to by the blonde boy. I wonder what their relationship is.

Hunter slouched down in his seat and laid his head on the table, stressed. This really was not what he needed today.

He was debating whether or not to just leave, when a voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Hey Hunter, I'm sorry about Amity. She's really upset at you and went a bit overboard." It was Luz. She looked sympathetic.

"You think...?" He continued laying his head on the table, mentally exhausted.

"Seriously though, I'm sorry." She chuckled awkwardly. "I can tell you've changed. I don't know how, or what happened, but I can sense it. You're a better person now. So I trust you."

Hunter smiled a bit. "Thank you, hu- Luz."

"Yeah, no problem!" She grinned before running off to meetup with her friends, who were waiting outside for her.

Hunter laid his head back down and accidentally fell asleep.

When he woke back up, Ice was standing above him, with Edric standing slightly behind him. They smiled.

"Hey, wanna hang out?"


Hey!!! I am so sorry this is so long I got carried away and I feel like this drags on too much. I'm still super sick rn but it's standable and this is my way of staying entertained.

Please leave questions and stuff, I love answering things!

Also, who is your favorite character, of all, who's in this story so far? I'd love to hear your opinions :)!

-Your author, as always, BadLuck (who has now added in his best friend as a purple haired side-character <3 he doesn't even watch toh, trust me I've tried to get him into it.)

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