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Two years had passed since everything happened.

More or less, everything was finally how it should be.

Hunter leaned back in his chair as somebody walked in.

Edric peaked in the door. "Hey, Hun! We're supposed to go talk to another school about covens!"

Hunter smiled at his boyfriend. "Thanks, Edric!" He stood up and walked over to him, latching their hands.

They walked down the halls of the castle. The walls were repainted a light blue now, blue and yellow tapestries hanging off of them.

They finally made it to the front doors, where two guards stood. They bowed.

One guard spoke up. "Ice is waiting out for you, Emperors."

They thanked the guard and walked out of the doors, where they saw a familiar face. Edric unlatched his hand from his boyfriend's and ran towards Ice.

He tackled him. "ICE!"

Ice grinned. "Hey, Ed. Hey Hunter!"

Hunter walked over to them. "Hey! It feels like we haven't talked in forever, man!"

Ice smiled. "Well, you know how it is. Owning a cafe is hard work, along with being a coven head."

After everything happened, Ice decided to buy the cafe and work there full time after he finished school. At some point, he started teaching kids who wanted to dual class their magic, as the head of the Illusionist coven.

Edric let go of him. "How is that, by the way?"

"Not bad, to be honest. How's being Emperor?"

"Tiring, but pretty fun! Hunter takes care of the paperwork, and I do most of the public stuff."

Hunter sighed. "Last time you did paperwork, you spelled your own name wrong."

"Last time you did public speaking, you first fought a bear!" He playfully retorted.

Ice chuckled. "I remember that. The gossip that day was amazing."

"Okay, it was one time!"

Ice looked at the sky. "We need to get to the school."


They finally approached Hexside, where a familiar face was waiting. Well, mask, actually.

Jay, in his bounty hunter BadLuck getup, waved to them.

"Hey guys! Took you long enough."

Ice ruffled his hair. "Enjoying being able to skip class for the day?"

He pulled his hood up. "Of course! Now let's head inside."

He wasn't fully recovered from everything, but he was trying his best. Everyone tried to get him to take a break, but he just couldn't. A normal life didn't seem right for him.

Now, he's head of the Emperor's Coven. Technically, he's the youngest person to ever be a coven head. He still spends most of his time bounty hunting, though. It's what he enjoys doing.

They walk inside of the school and to a giant auditorium. There, they stood on the stage. They were introduced by principal Bump.

Edric thanked him, and cleared his throat.

"My name is Edric Blight, as you may know. If you're right here, it means you are now old enough to join your very own coven! Of course, there are basically an infinite amount of covens, but we've brought you two members of some of the main ones. This is Ice, the head of the Illusionist Coven, and BadLuck, the head of the Emperor's Coven."

They introduced what each of the covens did and answered questions for a while, until the assembly was finally over.

They walked out of the school, talking happily.

"A lot has changed, it's weird! I'll never be able to fully grasp it all." Edric looked at the others.

Jay nodded, putting a hand on the center of his chest. "I still feel pain sometimes. I know it's been two years but I can still vividly remember everything. It's weird to think that it's been over."

Ice pat his head. "But, it is over. So we're all okay."

Hunter nodded. "Everyone is safe, everything is okay. We're almost finished with a portal to the human world, and Luz can almost go home."

Ice smiled. "So, since everything is going well, how about we go get some coffee, like the old times?"

The other three smiled back.

"That sounds nice."


So that's it, huh. That's the end of The Chase.

It's only been two months. So much has happened in these two months.

Thank you guys for reading. Thank you guys for enjoying and supporting my story.

Thank you to my friends. To Alex, who helped me with grammar and made sure I didn't make stupid plot choices. To all of the commenters who gave so much support.

And most of all, to Ice. Thank you for being the best brother ever,and supporting me since the start of this story. Hell, since before the story started! We've been through so much together and I'm glad it was you who stayed by my side.

This won't be the full end. I will still be planning new stories and stuff! If you want to be a part of it all, please join my discord server.

Thank you for reading The Chase.

I'll see you guys again some day.

-Your Author, BadLuck.

The End.

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