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TW!!// Abuse, arguments, sadness in general. Happy beginning and ending!❗

1 Day Left Until The Plan.

///Timeskip a few days of just happy hanging out.//

Today was a nice day. The weather was slightly cold, and the sky was a light blue.

Hunter and Edric sat on the balcony, staring out at the sky. Ice was at work. Since the coven found out about Hunter's betrayal, there's been extra scouts on the lookout for the two, and Ice didn't trust the two of them to be seen in public anymore.

Edric slumped into his chair more, sighing. Rascal was snuggled into his arms, wearing a matching pink sweater with him.

"I can't believe Ice isn't letting us go out! It's such a nice day!"

Hunter smiled lightly at his boyfriend. He was adorable, even when he's annoying. He was wearing a grey hoodie with red stripes on the sleeves.

"He never said we couldn't explore the woods."

Edric perked up. "You're right! We should go for a walk!" Rascal chirped, flying to sit on his head.

Hunter chuckled. "I can't believe my own palisman likes you more than me."

Edric grinned. "I'm a bit of an animal whisperer."

"You can't even understand what he's saying."

"I know what he means."

Hunter stood up. "Whatever you say, honey." He held out his hand and Rascal landed on it lightly, turning into his staff. "Let's go for a walk."

The two climbed down to the ground, and started walking through the forest.

Hunter held Edric's hand. "Ice said there's a path nearby, so lets go look for it."

Edric nodded, and the two continued walking until they approached a dirt path, which they started walking down.

As they walked, they'd point out random animals that they saw, mostly Hunter. At one point, he turned to Edric excitedly, holding a rabbit in his hands.

Edric smiled lightly, no idea how Hunter managed to get a rabbit, but happy for him nonetheless. They then continued walking, until a noise brought them out of their conversation.

"Oh, hey guys!" They turned around to see Luz and Amity.

Amity's eyes narrowed, but she said nothing as they walked towards the boys.

Edric smiled. "Hi Luz, hi Mittens." He ruffled Amity's hair.

Annoyed, she pushed his hands away from her hair. She glared at him. "Why are you still hanging out with this coven member? You know what he's done. He's a terrible person."

Edric frowns."Excuse me? You have no right to say that-"

Hunter tuned out their conversation, slowly backing away from the argument.

Luz noticed. "Are you okay?" She smiled sympathetically. "She's still just a bit upset over everything."

Hunter nodded. "Yeah, no. I'm okay..I get it."

Amity threw her arms to the side. "Why are you even friends with him?"

Edric clenched his fists. "I'M HIS BOYFRIEND."

She shut her mouth quickly. Edric turned around, grabbing Hunter's hand gently. "Let's go." 

Hunter nodded softly. "Okay.."

As they walked back to the treehouse, Hunter cleared his throat. "I'm..sorry."

Edric's eyes softened. "For what? You've done nothing wrong."

"Ever since we met, You haven't had a single nice conversation with your sister. Have you even talked to your twin?"

Edric sighed. "It's not your fault.. Amity gets upset easily, and holds grudges. It will take her a while to warm up to you. And..no. Emira still believes our parents are good people, I don't. We haven't talked since I left home."

Hunter glanced over. "You don't have to tell me, but.. Why did you leave?"

They approached the house, and walked inside. They sat on the couch, Persephone leaping up onto Edric's lap.

"Well. It's a bit of a long story."

"We have time."

"Okay, well.."


Edric had just come home after hanging out with his friends. He opened the front door lightly.

Standing in front of him, was his mother. She glared down at him. "Where have you been, Edric?"

He glanced to the side, already sensing a scolding. "Just hanging out with a few friends, Mother. Nothing bad."

"You should be studying, not 'hanging out' with people worth less than you!"

"They're not worth less than me, and I'm at the top of my class, mom! I don't need to study anymore."

"You are going to take over this company one day, you cannot become less than is expected. You can do better, Edric."

"So am I not allowed to be a kid? Do you expect me to spend my entire life doing what you want me to do? I'm not a tool for you!"

"EXCUSE ME? You do not speak to your mom like that. You're grounded. And, you're no longer allowed to be around those troublemakers."

"I'm 17, mother. You can't do that to me! I have done everything you want."

"Yes I can! You live under my roof and must abide by my rules."

He glared. "No, that's not ho-" He's cut off with a slap.

"Go to your room, Edric."

He looked up at her, tears in his eyes. "Fine. But don't feel bad if you never see me again."

"You'd be nothing without this family."

He walked up the stairs towards his room. That night, he packed his bags and left. He was legally old enough to, and did not want to be seen with his family again.

He may have had an argument with his twin, too.

After a while, he found a small apartment to live in, and a job at a quaint cafe, where he met his best friend. He was better like this.


Edric gently pet the cat sleeping on his lap. "I haven't seen any of them except Amity since then. And, for now, I don't want to."

Hunter set his hand on his shoulder. "I'll be there when you do."

Edric smiled. "Thanks, Hunter."

"That's what I'm here for."


Extra long chapter!! hope you guys enjoyed! The first part of this chapter is an idea by Lux on my discord server!! if you want your ideas used possibly, join the discord :)!! no pressure though, just do what you want!

Big chapter next time. I totally know what I'm gonna do haha.. I don't. But i have an idea!

Have a good day, boys!!

-Your author, BadLuck!!

(This chapter wasn't spellchecked or grammar checked. please tell me if you see anything wrong!)

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