💙No Fighting On Cafe Grounds💛

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Needless to say, Hunter came back the next day. He still hadn't had his coffee, and he's even more tired today. He could feel the eye bags on his skin.

The ringing of the bell yet again signified his entrance. He walked up to the counter.

Standing there again, was Ice. He looked at the exhausted blonde, who was wearing a light blue sweater and black ripped jeans today, along with black boots. He still has a bandaid over a deep scratch on his nose, and one on his cheek.

"Let me guess, same as yesterday?" He was already writing the order down. "But, I'm giving you extra expresso, you need it."

"How do you remember me?"

Ice chuckled a bit. "You think I'd forget a chase scene in my cafe? That was the most interesting thing that's happened all week! Which reminds me." He pointed to a new sign on the wall that said "No Fighting On Cafe Grounds!"

"I added that sign. It's like, legal now. You can't be doing that stuff in here anymore, even if it was fun to watch. I had to work our entire shift alone after that."

Hunter nodded. "Rules are rules, I guess. When does Edric's shift end?"

Ice leaned against the counter, smiling slightly. "About 7:30. Now go take your seat."

Hunter sat in the same seat as yesterday. A few minutes later, the same smug faced lime popcicle lookin' teen walked up to him and set his coffee on the table.

"How's it going, Mr. Golden Guard? Here's your free coffee, as promised." He grinned.

Hunter grimaced. "It's not poisoned, is it?"

Edric shook his head quickly. "Nonono! I don't do that stuff. Plus, I'm terrible at potions." He chuckled awkwardly.

Hunter stared at the coffee for a second, and then took a sip. It was really good.

"It's pretty good actually." he smiled slightly.

Edric quickly turned around and walked away, quickly letting out a "Okaygladyoulikeditbye!"

He walked back behind the counter and had a quiet argument with his co-worker, who was grinning at him. Hunter was oblivious to their squabble as he continued drinking his coffee and reading a book about ancient magic techniques. Pretty interesting.

He looked at a clock on the wall. "1:00"

He sighed. He's got a lot of time to kill, might aswell go back to the castle for now.

He waved to Ice as he left. "Tell Edric that I'll be back in a few hours."

Ice smiled. "Will do."

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