💛Early Morning Chats💚

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Really long chapter today, boys!

Hunter had been awake for a good two hours already, training and doing patrols around town, and was already exhausted.

Today he was wearing a black tank top and sweatpants, because the weather was way too hot on the boiling isles. He was self conscious of all the scars on his arms, but wasn't going to throw away comfort for that.

He twirled his staff around his arms out of boredom as he finishes the last of his morning patrols. Same old stuff. Random lady yelling at a weird lookin' demon cat as it ran away with a loaf of bread, two old men aggressively playing chess because that's what old people do, human girl running from a coven guard- WAIT WHAT?

Hunter stopped in his tracks and watched as Steve #20 (probably) picked up a human girl by her hood.

Man she's really dumb, huh?

Hunter used the smallest bit of magic from his staff to poke the guard in the back, causing him to look behind himself, giving Luz the time to kick him in the shin and run away.

Damn that's crazy, how'd that happen.

He pretended not to notice what had happened, and continued walking on his way. Nothing else worthy of talking about really happened, except he saw a cute cat, that was nice. He was thinking back to the cat, when he bumped into someone.

"Sorry- Oh Hunter! Hi!" Edric immediately turned red, but Hunter brushed it off as the heat.

"Hey Ed, where are you heading to?"

"I'm going to work right now, actually. It's really early, what are you doing?" He worriedly noticed the growing eye bags under the other male's eyes.

"Just finished my paroles, I've been up for like three hours now." He stretched his arms above his head and felt most of his bones pop.

"That's definitely not healthy- but whatever. Want to come with me to the cafe? I'll get you some coffee and some food."

Hunter yawned and thought about his options. One was obviously better than the rest and he nodded. "Sure."

The walk to the cafe was a lot less awkward than you'd expect. Hunter excitedly told Edric about the cat he saw, and then more calmly explained that he helped a human escape a guard, ending his sentence with an overly dramatic "Because I'm such a great guy!" topped off with a grin.

Edric calmly watched him as he continued to rant about his morning, smiling softly. From any one else's perspective, you could basically see hearts in his eyes.

"-And then! The two men got into a fistfight! I wish I didn't have to break it up, it was so funny, and then one of the men's wives came out an- Oh sorry was I talking too much?" Hunter nervously grabbed the back of his neck. "I don't normally have people to talk to, so I get a little carried away haha."

Edric waved his hands. "No don't worry! I like listening to you talk."

Both of the boys were silent after that. The walk to the cafe had a weird tension in the air, but it immediately broke as Hunter remembered the weird little demon cat with the bread he saw, and he started happily talking again.

"Oh, we're here!" Ed cut into something Hunter was saying about the history of demons that he'd read in a book.

The two walked inside, and Hunter stood next to the counter while Edric set up, both of them talking about how Ed got this job and what he thinks of it.

They talked for a few minutes, and then Ice walked in with a smaller boy.

"Hey Ed, sorry I'm late. Jay wanted to come get some coffee and then we accidentally broke a window, and really a lot happened. Hi Hunter, I'll be back in a second." He walked into the back room, and came out wearing his apron.

The smaller boy didn't talk a ton, and Hunter couldn't catch a good look at him. He was wearing a Hexside uniform for the potions track, and had his hood pulled up.

Hunter looked at the uniform and then back at Ice. "Don't you have school today, Ice? How can you work here?"

Ice smiled. "Work Permit. I get to skip half my classes and get paid to do it, it's a pretty neat gig." He handed his brother a cup of coffee, who quietly said something to him before leaving.

Ice waved at him and went back to work. "Don't mind him, it's early."

Hunter decided to go take a seat, and a few minutes later, Edric set his coffee and a bagel on the table. Hunter gave him a smile. "Thanks, Ed."

Edric blushed, and mumbled out an "Mhm!- No problem!" before turning around and speedwalking back to his station.

Ice grinned as he walked back. "You get worse every day."

His statement earned him a slap on the shoulder as the green haired boy walked past him. Golden eyes glared at playful pink ones. Their staring contest lasted for a good minute until it was broken by the ringing of the door opening. Their first customer had arrived.

Time to start the day.


Hey guys this was a really long chapter, so I hope you guys liked it. As always, tell me your ideas, theories, or even just ask me questions about the characters. Probably obvious, but Ice and Jay are both ocs. They will both show up a lot throughout this story as parts of the side plot, and main plot.

Hope you enjoyed, see you guys soon :)!


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