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2 Days Remain

Due to the fact that they would soon have to go through with a dangerous plan, the boys decided it'd be a nice day to hang out, possibly for the last time as a full group.

They decided it would be fun if they went to a Magic Tag game. It was essentially the human laser tag, with witch magic. You were required to use weak training wands and follow the safety precautions so that nobody would get hurt.

The three boys were currently putting on protective vests to stop them from getting  probably minor injuries, and chatting amongst themselves.

Ice looked at the smaller two. "Have you guys done this before? I've been maybe once or twice."

Edric nodded. "Yeah, my family used to use this for training. Emira and I would just pull pranks the entire time, though." He chuckled lightly.

Hunter shook his head. "I've never played, but the concept seems fun, so I'm excited for this!"

After he finished speaking, a worker walked over to the trio.

"You guys are being put on your teams, so stand very still." He drew a circle in the air, and turned the boy's vests different colors.

Both Edric and Hunter got blue, while Ice got red.

The worker cleared his throat. "A quick list of important rules. No beastkeeping magic, No purposefully injuring anyone, Do not change your team color, And don't spawn camp. Spawn campers suck." And then he walked off.

Ice grinned. "I'm going to destroy you both."

Edric grinned back. "I'm going to break so many rules."

Hunter set his hand on his boyfriend's shoulder. "Please don't get us kicked out."

The emerald haired boy threw his hand down slightly. "I would never! What do you take me for? A person who gets caught? You wound me, Hunter."

The blonde laughed. "Yeah, okay, Ed. Let's get to the playing field."

They say goodbye to Ice, and walk over to the spawn for their team. They have two other teammates, making the teams 4-4 in players. They begin discussing a game plan.

When the horn for the game to begin blows, the two pairs run in opposite directions.

The terrain of the field is very rocky, with large bits of rock protruding out of the ground as places to hide behind. Edric and Hunter duck behind one, and Hunter hits a red team member with a ball of light. He chuckles. "One down!"

Edric moves to another nearby rock and hits another red team member. "That's two!"

They continue walking carefully down the field, watching one of their team members go down, the other one taking a red team member down with them.

From a distance, something hits their final team member, and they breathe out quietly in panic.


He was obviously nearby, and the final member left of red team. The two hide behind the biggest rock they can find to discuss.

"If we rush him, we may be able to take him out before he can hit both of us." Edric nervously messes with his blue wand. "Or, I could turn us invisible."

Hunter shakes his head. "No, that wouldn't be fair. And rushing would be far too risky. Maybe if we wait for him to walk nearby, we can snipe him."

Edric nods. "That's probably the safest bet."

Suddenly, a voice yells, "BOO!" and Hunter is hit in the chest by a light blast of magic.

Edric reflexively hits Ice back with a ball of light, and the sound of a horn blows through the air.

Edric holds onto his boyfriend, who is dramatically on the ground. Hunter touches his face. "Remember..Me..I love you." He dramatically dies.

Edric fake-teared up. "I've won..but at what cost? NOOOOOOO!" He sobbed.

Ice stood above them. "Guys can we please leave, other people want to play, you know."

The two look at him, now back to normal.

"Yeah sure okay."

They left the Magic Tag game area, and decided to get food from a nearby restaurant.

The trio sat on a wall by the restaurant, eating their takeout food happily. Edric grabbed Hunter's hand, smiling.

"This was fun."

The other two couldn't help but agree.


Have you guys ever played lazer tag? Maybe it's just me, but that game is super painful. Cold air plus running means really painful breathing. I also don't really understand the rules, but that's mostly my fault.

One more chapter until the big plan. what will happen to our heros? find out next time on The Chase.

In all seriousness, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

See you guys later. love you!! 💛

-Your author, BadLuck!

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