💚Try Again?💛

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When Edric woke up, he was immediately greeted by two pairs of golden eyes and a weight on his chest. He jumped for a second, before realizing where he is.

"Mornin', Ed."

He sighed. "Morning, Jay." He then looked down at the demon on his chest. "Hi, Percy."

The cat licks his face before she's picked up by the younger boy. She meows and moves to climb on his shoulders.

The blonde gestures towards the kitchen. "Ice is making breakfast." He then pauses. "Oh wait I'm helping make breakfast- see you in a bit, Ed!" He sets the demon cat on the ground and quickly rushes back towards the kitchen.

Edric sighs, sitting up. Yesterday was mentally draining and he was not ready for work, or to see Hunter again.

Just the thought of the boy and what happened causes Edric to groan and feel like sinking into the couch. He rolls onto his stomach to semi-scream into the cushions.

As if sensing his self pity, Persephone (The demon cat) jumps onto his back and begins kneading it. He reaches back and pats the cat. "Thanks, Percy."

The moment is interrupted when Ice's voice sounds through the room. "Get off of the poor man, Percy. Go eat."

The cat glares at the blue haired boy and jumps off of Edric. Edric sits up, and is handed a plate of pancakes.

Ice sits next to him on the couch. "How're you feeling?"

He breathes out. "Better, thank you. For letting me stay here for the night."

Ice smiles. "No problem, man." He took a bite of his breakfast. "Ready to see Hunter again?"

Edric groans. "AH- You had to remind me! What if he thinks I abandoned me and he hates me now? Or what if he's sad? I'll feel so bad!"

Ice pats his back. "You'll be fine. Just amp yourself up." He smiles. "And do it fast. Unless you want to walk all the way to work today." He spins around a staff with a ferret palisman on it.

Edric's eyes widened. "Woah, when did you get that? Or, how?"

He spun the staff around happily. "About a week ago Jay and I found some palistern wood. We decided that I could have it because it was blue, and I've spent the past week carving it. But enough of that. Go steal some clothes from my closet so we can leave."

Edric nodded and walked into Ice's room, returning in a pink sweater and light blue ripped jeans.


When they arrived at the Cafe, Hunter was waiting outside the door. His eyes softened as soon as he saw Edric.

He put his hands on Edric's shoulders. "Are you okay? You left so quickly, did something happen?"

Edric's face flushed a bright red. "I-uh- Um- I-"

Ice cleared his throat, smiling in an older-brother way. "He got a bit sick, so he stayed the night at my house, but he's feeling better now."

Hunter's eyes widened. "You were sick? You could've just told me!" He set his hand on Edric's forehead. "You still feel a bit hot, maybe you should rest today."

Ice grins. "How about you have an off day again? There's no way I'd let you work in that condition." He unlocks the cafe. "You two have fun."

Edric glares at him, but sighs.

I guess this is my chance to try again.

//Time Skip because I have a headache and am out of ideas//

They decided to go back to the hill to stargaze.

Edric fiddled with his hands nervously.

Just like yesterday..

He finally worked up the courage to talk, and cleared his throat.

"Hey I-"

"Do you want to go out with me?"

Edric's eyes shot over to Hunter, his face turning a bright red.


Hunter looked at him, now noticably blushing as well.

"I mean, I've liked you for a while now. I'm not a big emotions guy, but hanging out with you is the happiest I've been in a while. So, do maybe want to be my boyfriend?"

Edric's eyes teared up, making Hunter panic. "I'm so sorry did I say something wrong? Just forget I said anyth-" He was cut off as Edric hugged him.

"Yeah. I'd love to be your boyfriend."

Hunted smiled. "Okay."


Hey they're dating now that's pretty pog. My skull is in immense pain. I've had a headache for 3 hours. It's not fun. I wish I could show enthusiasm but I actually feel terrible.

Seriously though, I hope you guys liked this chapter. If you have any ideas, comments, etc, I love interaction.

Now I'm gonna stop looking at this screen before I puke. Bye guys!

Your, probably dying, author, BadLuck!

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