💛Golden Boys/Relate💛

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Hey guys, I'm sick rn with what I think is tonsillitis, so my brain is all fuzzy. Sorry if this chapter is bad, I'm gonna try to keep updating quickly.

After what felt like forever, but was just a few hours, nighttime finally came. It was roughly 11:40 and Hunter was yet again dressed in his Golden Guard attire.

Bad had been very vague about the location of their meetup, so he had no real idea where to go, but he walked quietly around the empty streets of the town square. He'd never seen this place so desolate before, it was like a ghost town.

He heard a very slight noise, and looked around.

Above him, on the roof of a random shop, was a shadowy figure with two piercing golden eyes that seemed to glow.

Bad jumped onto the ground safely in front of Hunter and held of his hand for a handshake. His crow palisman was on his shoulder. "Hello, Mr. Golden Guard. Nice of you to show up."

Hunter shook his hand out of politeness, and immediately cut to the chase.  "What do you want from me?"

Bad chucked. "That's fair. Follow me."

They walked for a while, until they reached a set of stairs on a building, which they walked up.

When they reached the roof, Bad walked to the edge and dangled his legs off the side. Hunter, semi-untrusting, did the same thing and sat next to him.

"So, what are your plans?" Hunter looked down at the view, which was pretty cool, if he was being honest. Hunter had read about the stars on earth and how pretty they were, but he'd say this view is just as nice.  The building was pretty tall, and you could see a majority of the town. A few lights were still on in houses.

Bad looked up at the sky. "I have some connections to the target. I'm planning to learn whatever I can about him to..take him down. You'll be the one to capture him, of course. I can't take the glory from the Great Golden Guard. That doesn't sound right."

I have to capture Edric? I can't do that!

Hunter looked towards the smaller boy. His emotions were never noticeable, behind his void eyed mask. He supposes that he, too, looks like that, though. He was softly scratching the head of his crow, who looked happy. How did this kid even get this job?

Hunter cleared his throat. "How..why did you take this job? Or, this profession, even?"

The boy's eyes glowed a more mellow shade of gold, as if they dimmed. "Would you believe me if I said money?" He laughed lightly. "It pays well, and I guess I was just good at it so I..continued doing it? Why challenge myself with something else?" He tapped his thumbs together at a rhythm.

Hunter could sense that there was something else, but brushed it off. It wasn't his business, and he didn't need to get close to this boy anyways. He looked to the opposite side. "I get that. Being skilled at one thing and never trying anything new. The fear of failure."

Bad laughed. "Then I guess we're pretty similar. Whatever reason I have for this, it doesn't really matter. I'm just here to work. And I can't fail now."

Hunter understood the underlying meaning. There's something important at stake, huh?

Yeah. Me too. And mine matters more to me.

I won't fail either.


Hope you liked it. sorry for so much oc lore, I promise the boys will interact more. If anything, use this chapter as Hunter character development. Sorry if it's bad, I feel really sick rn!

-Your super nauseous author, BadLuck!

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