💛An End To Tyranny🖤

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Now that Belos was no longer in control, the boys had to make an impression.

They kept close watch over Belos for the rest of the night. Well, Hunter and Edric did. Ice went off to go find a healer that he knew.

When Ice returned, it was early in the evening.

He cleared his throat and wiped his tired, yet determined eyes.

"I made a few calls. We have a ceremony in an hour." He yawned. "I also made us some coffee."

The boys smiled. "Coffee sounds nice."

Ice handed them their own preferred types of coffee, taking a long sip of his own.

They all slouched against a wall, drinking their coffee, for a while. Hunter grasped gently onto his boyfriend's hand.

"It'll all be over soon. It's so odd to think that I'll never have to worry about him again."

Edric smiled at him. "You're safe. We're all safe. Soon, everybody will be, forever."

"So, what are we going to do, once Belos is gone?" Ice tapped his fingers against his cup.

Edric took a sip of his coffee. "Logically, Hunter should be the new Emperor. He's blood kin to the past ruler, and has a decent set of morals."

Hunter teasingly frowned at his boyfriend. "Wow, thanks, Ed."

Edric continued. "But, He's not old enough to rule yet, so we need a new ruler to take his place until he's old enough."

Hunter looked down at his hands. "I think I have an idea of who can do that."

Ice stood up. "Great, but first, we need to get cleaned up." The three looked at themselves. Dirty, wounded, obviously tired. Yeah, they probably should look presentable for the entire boiling isles.

They took turns watching the unconscious Belos as they took showers. Soon, all of them were wearing decently appropriate clothing to be in a ceremony.

So here they are, standing on a stage in front of thousands of witches and creatures, with a writhing beast Belos in a cage.

Ice lifted up a mic.

"Hello, people of the Boiling Isles. Today we bring you to the final petrification ceremony. The man standing before you is your very own Emperor Belos. A tyrant, an abuser, and a terrible person. Here with me is Edric Blight, and the Golden Guard, Hunter. They have dealt with the terror this monster has caused."

He handed the mic to Hunter, who nervously thanked him.

"My name is Hunter. You may know me as the former Golden Guard, right hand man to the Emperor. This man is my uncle. For years he has made my life, and the lives of many innocent people's, a living hell. For a very long time I believed his ways were right, but I've changed my mind. I implore you all to do the same."

Edric took the mic from his hand. "Now, enough talk, let's turn this bitch to stone! Let this be a symbolization of what he truly is. A monster!" He pulled the lever on the machine, and the process began.

It would have been gruesome if it were anybody but Belos, but he deserved it. Any amount of pain, any amount of suffering. It wouldn't even amount to the terror he caused to other's.

Finally, he was gone. Only left as a reminder of what it can be like to lose your mind to power.

Hunter let out a deep breath. So much weight was gone, off his shoulders. So many problems he could never even think of getting rid of, vanished.

He was happy. He had a free life, an amazing set of friends, and the best boyfriend he could ask for.

He gently took the mic back from his boyfriend. It was time for a final announcement.

"Now that our former Emperor is gone, it's time to discuss who will take over." He cleared his throat.

"In a year, I will take over. I'd like to have Edric Blight rule by my side."

Edric smiled over at him, blushing.

"Until then, we will have a temporary ruler. And the person who I've decided to take this role is.."

"Eda the owl lady." A lot of noise broke out in the crowd, a few notable voices being heard over everything.

Luz, King, and Eda herself.

Hunter smiled, continuing.

"This year will be one of rebuild and reform. No more conformatoriums. No outlaws of wild magic. No more forced covens! Who better to rule during this year than the most powerful wild witch herself?"

The crowd seemed to agree.

"And with that, this is the end of this ceremony. Enjoy your day!" He turned the mic off and immediately let out a breath he had been holding.

"God speeches are terrifying! How did I manage to do that."

Edric grabbed his hand. "I'm proud of you! That took a lot of guts."

Ice nodded. "You did good, man."

They turned to leave when a voice stopped them.

"You didn't think you could make an announcement like that and then just leave, did you?"

They turned around, and there was Eda herself. She was smiling.

"You've sure matured, kid." She ruffled his hair.

He grinned up at her. "Guess it just took a bit of convincing from someone as hard-headed as me." He looked lovingly at his boyfriend, who responded with the same look.

Eda turned around. "Well, I look forward to working with you, future Emperors. Now I've got some kids to take care of, and a significant other to find. Bye!"


The three boys sat on the edge of the balcony of the treehouse. Edric put his arm around Hunter.

"So. It's all over, huh?"

Hunter nodded. "Finally, it's over."

Ice seemed more distant.

Edric looked over at him sympathetically. "Jay will be fine."

"I know..I know he will be, but it feels wrong that he isn't here with us.."

"And who says I'm not here?"

The three quickly turned around.

Standing there was Jay. He smiled, despite all of the scars he's gained.

Ice stood up quickly, running towards the boy. He hugged him with a strong grip.

"Don't do that to me! I was so worried!"

Jay coughed. "Hugging a bit- tight-"

Ice strengthened his grip. "This isn't tight enough."

Jay sighed, smiling. "I..missed you too, bro."

This. This is nice.


After this, there will probably be an epilogue, so this isn't the end just yet!

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

I'll see you guys for the final chapter, soon.

Love you all!

-Your author, Badluck

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