💛Not That Easy💚

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5 Days Left

Hunter woke up feeling mostly rested. His meetup with Bad last night was uneventful and they decided not to meet up again until friday, when the plan would commence.

He was already out of the castle and walking towards the cafe in the early hours of the day, when he heard a few familiar voices on the street.

Walking behind him was Ice, a small blonde boy, and Edric. Hunter slowed his walk to match up to theirs, now walking along side by Edric.

"Hey Ed!" He smiled at the emerald haired male, who smiled back, albeit more flustered.

"Hey Hunter, we're heading to the cafe right now, you joining us?"

"Yep, might as well. I've got awhile until I have to do anything, so I'm gonna spend the next few days hanging out with my favorite friends."

Ice coughed jokingly. "Only friends."

Hunter glared at the icy-haired male, also jokingly. He then remembered the quiet kid standing next to his taller friend.

"Oh yeah, who's that, Ice?" He gestured to the blonde.

The kid looked over, startled at being brought up. He had almost peach blonde hair, and very freckled skin. His ears were also very pierced, one of his earrings being a heart shape. Of all things, however, his eyes were the most notable thing. They were bright gold, almost yellow.

He smiled slightly and held out his hand for a handshake.

"You can call me Jay, pleasure to make your acquaintance! I'm Ice's brother."

The two stared directly into each other's eyes with similar emotions, and Hunter grabbed his hand, shaking it.

Huh, this is oddly familiar.

"Yeah, nice to meet you."

They finally arrived at the cafe, and all four boys walked inside.

Ice and Edric quickly walked into the back and then back out with their aprons on. Ice handed Jay a cup of coffee, and he thanked him before leaving.

Hunter walked up to the counter and leaned his arms onto it.

"So, normal day today?"

Edric nodded. "Yep, basically."

Hearing the conversation, Ice turned around.

"Hey Edric, apart from work, do you have any plans today?"

"Nope." The green haired boy continued setting up things for the cafe, currently getting out some paper cups.

"How about you, Hunter?"

The blonde shook his head.

"Great, because I do. You guys can go on a date though."

Hunter started chocking on his coffee and Edric turned bright red. "What about work??"

Ice leaned against the counter. "I'll do the job on my own. Today's gonna be slow. I heard there's a grudgby game going on at Hexside today, maybe you two  should go check it out."

"What's grudgby?" Hunter had calmed down by this point.

Edric's eyes widened. "Oh we ABSOLUTELY have to go to the game now! I will take you up on that offer, Ice, but let me at least finish stocking our supplies."

"Fine." The pink eyed boy sighed slightly and leaned dramatically farther onto the counter.

//Time Skip//

Hunter was waiting by the door as Edric said by to his friend, confirming he would be okay working alone. Once Ice finally shooed them out the door, they started walking down the street towards Hexside. The game was set to happen in about half an hour, so they had a bit of time to waste.

Edric was showing Hunter some of the funniest illusions he could make, specifically turning his face into the face of random people they knew.

Hunter laughed genuinely at his friend's jokes, causing the other to blush a deep red at the joyful face he rarely saw on the golden guard.

He remembers the hushed words that his older friend had told him just before they'd left.

"Ask him out, seriously Ed, it's not like he doesn't like you back. It can't go wrong." He had an understanding, almost brotherly expression.

And It's not like he didn't want to, just-

His face flushed even deeper as he thought about the boy standing next to him.

It's not that easy..


I'm planning for this to be a two/three-part chapter, so sorry if it's short. I'm actually really exhausted and fighting off sleep as I write rn.

Reminder that you can ask me questions whenever you want and I'll answer them, as long as they're spoiler free.

I also take drawing requests a lot, because they give me inspiration. I just really appreciate comments in general!

See you next chapter, boys!

-Your super tired author, BadLuck

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