💛Let's Fight!💛

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By the time Hunter arrived back at the castle, it was 11:40. He needed to meet back up with Bad soon, even though he's exhausted already.

He changed into his Golden Guard attire and went straight back to town. He walked down the dark streets and went back to the building rooftop they were on the night before.

Already sitting there was the shadowy figure of the bounty hunter. He didn't turn to face the taller boy. "Hey."

Hunter sat down next to him. "You good?"

Bad turned to the opposite direction, looking away from Hunter. "Yeah, don't worry. Belos has been giving me a few extra missions. Really dangerous monsters and people. I'm just.. a bit tired." He finally turned to face Hunter.


His mask was covered in scratches and dust. It looks like he fell face-first into the ground or something. But, worst of all, blood covered the entire front half of his cloak.

"Hey- what happened? Are you sure you're okay?" Hunter didn't want to feel bad for him, he's the enemy after all, but this is an obviously young kid covered in severe injuries! Who wouldn't be worried?

"Seriously, I'm fine, just a griffin attack. I've been through worse, trust me." He waved his hand dismissively, and Hunter begrudgingly dropped the topic.

"So, do you have,any more ideas for our plan?"

Bad nodded, staring at the sky.

"It will happen in a week. We lure him into the castle, tell him we're gonna make a deal with him or something. Then, we attack. We could easily knock him out and tie him up, but that's all up to you. My job is to make sure he can't escape."

So you're a main threat. Okay.

Hunter nodded. "Alright. Is that all?"

Bad stood up and stretched. "Wanna train?"

Hunter hesitated. "What about your wounds?" It was still obvious he was in pain.

"Don't worry. I know a healer. But, until then," His hands glow a golden color as he holds them up to his stomach. "I can heal the bare minimum so that I don't, like, die."

Hunter stood up too. "What magic do you specialize in?" He asked curiously. This would be useful information if they ever need to fight him, as would actually training with him.

"Uhm, all of them? I could never choose which one to main, so I'm pretty good at most of them. I specifically know a lot of illusions and beastkeeping stuff, though. And I'm getting good at potions." He tapped his foot on the ground. "How about you?"

Hunter froze. "Oh uh, yknow. The same, I know a little bit of everything." But I can only do them if I use my staff..

Bad nodded. "Then we're basically the same. Let's train."

"On the roof? Is that safe?"

"Yeah of course, just don't push me off and we'll be fine."

"Uh, okay."

They stood across from each other on the roof, and the battle started as Bad ran towards Hunter to attack. Hunter Tried to punch him, but his fist went straight through.

A decoy?

He quickly turned around just as he was hit by a punch. He backed up quickly and sent a blast of power from his staff, hitting Bad in the shoulder.

Bad spun his staff around. "This is really fun so far!" He hit his staff into the ground and vines quickly shot out of the stone towards Hunter, who jumped out of the way and used his staff to kill the vines.

Hunter was trying his best not to show his true powers, while Bad seemed to be treating this like a game.

Hunter tried to sweep his leg under Bad's feet, but he was stopped by an abomination hand, which grabbed onto his leg and forced him to fall onto his back.

Bad stood above Hunter and held his hand out to help him up. "That was really fun, good job!"

Hunter sighed. "Yeah, that was fun. You did really well too."

Bad looked up at the sky. "Oh, it's getting late! I've gotta go, bye GG!"


Hunter was worried now. He had a week to prepare for this.

And even though I wasn't using my full power, it seemed like he wasn't either. He may be a genuine threat, but at least I have an idea of his fighting style now.

I have no idea how this will turn out.


Hello boys, guess who has barely any experience with fight scenes! That's right, me. I hope it was at least enjoyable to read, as always. And I hope you're enjoying the extra long chapters!

Question of the day, who is somebody you want to see more in the story, and how would you like to see them? I love feedback, and always take it into account when writing my story!

Have a good day/night wherever you are! See you guys next chapter!

-Your, not very strong tbh, author, Badluck!

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