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3 Days Left

Hunter woke up, immediately remembering what had happened last night. His face blushed and he smiled.

He sat up, getting ready to start the day, when a knock sounded on the door. He grabbed the mask hanging next to the door.

"Come In."

At the door, was a guard. They bowed at Hunter. "Emperor Belos requests your presence."

Hunter sighs. "Thank you, you can go now."

The guard nods and leaves the room.

What could he want? He worried. Belos hadn't talked to him in a week, there's no telling what he could want.

Hunter puts his cloak on, and begins walking down the halls. He feels like he hadn't done that in forever.

He knocks on the big doors leading to his uncle's office, and walks inside.

He kneels in front of the Emperor. "You needed me, Sir?"

"How is the mission going?"

"..Well. We will enact the plan to capture Edric Blight in a matter of days."

"Very good, but I have had a change of heart. I want you to kill him."

Hunter's shoulders stiffened. "Sir, I still believe we can get him to join a coven, he is not a lost cause!"

Belos glared down on him. "You've become far too soft, Hunter."

"I haven't, I swear! I just think that-" He is knocked to the ground by a blow to the back. He yells in pain.

"YOU WILL NOT TALK BACK, HUNTER. After All I have done for you, you treat me like this? That is unacceptable behavior for the Golden Guard."

Hunter stays silent, sadly looking at the ground.

Belos turned around, walking away. "I expected more from you, Hunter. The Titan has big plans for you. The day of unity is soon, and you will need to fix this issue before then."

Hunter clutched his fists together. "Of course, sir." He turned to leave.

"Don't disappoint me, Hunter."


A ring sounded through the cafe. Edric looked up, expecting a customer, only to see a small red bird on the counter. He kneeled down to it's level slightly.

"Hey Rascal, what's wrong?"

The bird pointed towards the back door.

"Is something wrong with Hunter?"

The bird nods slightly.

Edric smiles at the bird. "Thank you, I'll check on him."

He walks to the back door and steps out.

Standing there is hunter. "Hey H-" He's cut off as Hunter hugs him tightly. His shoulders are shaking obviously from crying. Edric's eyes softened. "Are you okay?"

Hunter nods. "Yeah. Just..Belos expects so much from me. So much that I know I can't do.. Even though I know he's a terrible person, I still can't disappoint him, he's my only family left."

Edric put his hands on his shoulders and pulled away slightly. "Hey, you're okay, hun. It'll take a while to fully recover from living in a family like that, but I'm here with you." He wiped Hunter's tears with his thumb.

Hunter smiled. "Thank you for caring about me."

Edric leaned in to touch their noses. "That's what I'm here for."

They're snapped out of their moment by a teasing voice. "As much as I love watching this happen, I need some help up front, Ed." Ice was grinning.

The two boy's faces flushed, and Edric nodded quickly. "Sorry, Ice! I'll be right up there."

Hunter smiled. "I'll see you later, Ed."

"Do you not want any coffee today?"

Hunter chuckled. "No, I think the caffeine is actually unhealthy for me."

"Okay, see you later, Hun!"


No headache today, just bad allergies! Hope the chapter was good.

Question of the day! Do you guys have anything you specifically want to see? People, plot points, etc!

As always, I will see you guys in the next chapter!

-Your author, BadLuck!

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