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They finally arrived at Hexside's grudgby game, where the game was about to begin. As they sat down, Edric explained Hunter the rules. Although, they made no sense either way.

"But you have to watch out for that little golden thing. If you get it, you immediately win."

"That's such a weird rule! It completely defeats the purpose of the game."

A voice was heard behind them.

"I know, right!?"

Standing there was Luz, the human girl, and Amity. Amity glared at Hunter.

"What're you here for, golden guard? Spying on us?"

Hunter groans, leaning back and instinctively going back to his golden guard persona. "As if, you guys aren't worth it anymore."

Edric set his hand on his shoulder, bringing him back to reality. He understood it was a defense mechanism, but knew it wasn't a good one.

Amity clutched her hand into a fist, preparing to punch the blonde, when another hand grabbed onto her's. She looked over to where the hand came from, and paused.

"Mittens." Edric glared at her slightly.

"Oh..Ed. Hey." She brought her hand back to her side awkwardly.

"I'd prefer that you didn't attack my friend. We're trying to have fun."

Luz apologetically looked at the two. "We're really sorry, Edric. We'll get going now." She grabbed her girlfriend's hand and they started walking away.

Edric turned back to Hunter, who looked increasingly more and more anxious. His eyes softened. "Hey. It's okay, man. They're gone."

Hunter took in a deep breath and let out a sigh. "Let's just watch the game."

The game started soon after, and the two quickly became invested. The players for Hexside were winning with a small lead, and Hunter was super interested now.

The team scored another point, and Hunter cheered happily. Edric looked over at him, blushing at the smile on his face.

//Time Skip//

By the time the game ended, it was late in the day. Hexside had managed to win by about 12 points, causing almost the entire crowd to cheer.

The two boys were walking away from the school now, Hunter once again happily ranting about everything that happened in the game.

Edric cleared his throat, looking to the opposite side slightly. "Hey, tonight's a good night to go stargazing, wanna find a place to watch them with me?"

Hunter smiled. "Yeah, sure!"

They walked for a while before they came to a small hill. Edric immediately flopped onto it, letting out a small "Ow!" once he hits the hard ground.

Hunter chuckles lightly. "Idiot." He sits down next to the other boy.

"Excuse me? I'm like, super smart!" He leans up on his elbows slightly.

"Ice has told me about you trying to eat snow."

He glared up at the blonde. "Yeah, and I still haven't gotten to! Everyone keeps stopping me."

Hunter pulls his knees to his chest. "I'll tell you this. If we ever encounter snow, I will let you eat it. It's exactly how you'd expect it to taste, though."

Edric's eyes widened. "You ard now my favorite person. There is nobody else that matters anymore."

Hunter laughed. "Okay, calm down, Ed.  Look, the sun's going down now, the stars should be out soon."

They watched the sky quietly as it turned dark, and soon the stars started showing up. At some point, Edric sat back up, and they started lightly talking about the view.

"On earth, stars basically keep their world alive. Here, I'm not even sure what they are." Hunter looked longingly into the sky. "I wonder what it looks like on earth right now."

"Yeah. But, the view here is good enough for me, at least."

He smiles. "It is pretty nice."

Their hand are almost touching. Edric lifts his hand to set it on the other's, but retracts it. He pulls his knees to his chest, holding onto them. He can feel his face burning.

By how the moon looks, it's maybe midnight.

Edric can feel his face burning even brighter, if that's possibly. He lets out a breath and clears his throat.

"Hey Hunter?"

The blonde glances over, oblivious to the other's blush in the dark.




And that's it for now  boys! I love interaction so I'm giving you guys a choice. It's an important one too, because it decides the next chapter.

So, make a good choice.

1 or 2 :)

I'll see you guys in the next chapter, of which is up to you guys!

Love you! 💛

-Your super nice author, BadLuck

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