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Day Zero

It was the day. The day that everything would be revealed. Hunter's betrayal of the coven, the existence of more wild witches, and.. Possibly the identity of Bad? It's a lot, honestly, but today it'll have to come to light.

Hunter is currently putting on his Golden Guard outfit, hiding glyph cards inside of it.

Ice and Edric went off into Ice's room to go find suitable outfits for the day. Hunter  Flopped onto the couch, waiting for the two.

Eventually, the two finally walk out. Hunter glances up at them. Ice has a light blue cloak on, covering his entire body. The back has an invisibility glyph on it, just in case something goes wrong and he needs a quick escape.

Edric is wearing a basic green tunic and brown pants. He also has on brown combat boots, mostly for the style. He has a few glyphs inside his shirt pocket.

Hunter stands up. "You guys ready to go?"

The two nod, determined. Hunter smiles in response. "Okay, it's time for plan 'Take down BadLuck'!"

The two cheer. "Yeah!"


When they arrive at the castle, Ice puts on his cloak hood and turns invisible. Edric waits somewhere nearby, hiding.

Hunter waves to them, and walks into the castle.

He's greeted with a long hallway. He walks to the end of it, and opens it into a large room. Standing against a wall, is Bad.

He turns to Hunter. "Today is the day."

Hunter nods. "Yeah. It is."

Bad claps his hands together. "So let's get this over with! I hate when things are stressful." He stretched his arms above his head.

Hunter looked behind him. "The illusionist will be here soon, so I don't think we'll have to wait long."

As if on que, the sound of the door opening echoes through the room. The two masked boys turned to face it, as Edric walked in.

"You wanted to come to a treaty, Golden Guard?" He went with the story that they came up with.

Hunter nodded. "Of course. Come here."

Edric walks forward, and stepped on to a red X. At the que, Bad hit his staff on the ground, causing a cage to fall from the ground.

Before it could trap Edric, Hunter threw a glyph to the ground, and vines stopped the cage in it's place.

Hunter stood in front of Edric protectively. "Sorry, Bad, I can't let this happen."

Bad tilted his head to the side. "Oh. I see."

His eye holes glowed a bright gold.

"So you've betrayed me, too."

Hunter held his staff in an offensive stance. "Don't take it personally. It's not you specifically that I'm betraying."

"I don't care!" He stomped his foot hard into the ground, and vines shot out of the stone, heading towards Hunter.

Edric stepped in front, slamming a fire glyph onto the vines. They crumble away. "Don't you lay a hand on my boyfriend!"

Bad spun his staff around. "Oh, that actually explains everything. But, I still have a job to fulfill, so, I'm not going easy on you.

Hunter puts a hand on Edric's shoulder. "Please let me handle this fight, go stand away from us."

Edric hesitates, but nods. "Be careful."

Bad and Hunter stood across from each other, waiting for the other to make a move. The battle began when Bad jumped towards Hunter, throwing a punch.

Hunter tries to counter, but the version of Bad that attacked him vanished. He spun around to intercept a real puch, but when he tries to hit back again, Bad disappears again.

This continues for a while, until Hunter gets a good hit in on Bad. Bad quickly hops back up, just barely blocking a hit. Hunter teleports behind him and strikes him in the back.

Bad jumps away from him. "Teleportation? Okay." He attacks Hunter again, who teleports away from him. However, whenever he lands, he's grabbed by vines and knocked to the ground.

He manages to get out of the vines and stands up.

This is hard. Harder than I expected.

"That's it!" He looks around the room. "Ice, I need help!"

Bad flinches back. "Ice..?" He hesitates for just too long, and the blue cloaked figure strikes him in the back with a glyph, making abomination wrap around him. He falls to the ground.

The three boys stand above him as he struggles.

Ice bends down to take his mask off. He moves away from his hand. "No- Don't-"

Finally, his mask is removed.

Ice stands up, backing away slightly. "Jay?"

The blonde boy looks down. "Hey, bro.. I swear I can explain.."

"Why are you doing this? Why are you working for the Emperor? WHEN DID YOU GET A PALISMAN? I knew you were a bounty hunter, but I didn't expect THIS!"

Edric put a hand on his shoulder. "Maybe calm down, he looks really confused."

The three look at each other and walk away slightly to discuss what's going on.

As they talk, Jay manages to tear away at his bindings, and stands up. He grabs his staff and his mask, putting it back on.

I want to join you. I want to..help..but..

He remembers what he was told.

"I don't want to kill anyone. That's strictly against my guidelines as a bounty hunter."

The masked man grabbed him by his collar tightly, lifting him up.

"Finish your job, or everyone else will suffer."

I can't risk it. My friends..My family.

No boy is worth more than them.


You guys thought my boy would get a redemption arc already? haha no.

You guys guessed who Bad was really quickly. Not like I'm surprised, I didn't hide it at all dhdjjs.

I'm really bad at fight scenes, so sorry for how weird it reads,,

A lot of you guys assumed we're nearing the end, but we're just getting started :)!

also please recommend lighthearted chapter ideas,I'm completely out, I'm so sorry

As always, I hope you enjoyed!

-Your author, who just hit 1000 words, BadLuck!!

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