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5 Days Until The Plan

Bad awoke very early in the morning. He drowsily glanced up at the window, where the sky was a light pink and orange hue. He sat up, stretching tiredly.

The two birds on his desk arose at the sound of him getting up. He smiled lightly at them. "Hey, boys. It's time we return Rascal to his owner."

Rascal chirped happily, and the crow cawed, nudging Rascal with his head.

Bad grabbed his cloak, but not his mask. At this point, it was easier to tell who he was by that mask than his actual face.

He turned his palisman back into a staff, and gently tucked Rascal into his cloak. He then opened the window, and left.

The fly to the outside of town didn't take long, maybe 10 minutes or so, with the speed he was going. Now, he stood at the edge of a woods that he knew very well.

He sighed, anxious. Both birds sat on his shoulders supportively. He scratched his crow's head and stepped into the forest.

The walked down unmarked paths for a while, enjoying the scenery that he hadn't seen in a while. It was nearing fall on the boiling isles, and the leaves were turning a calming orange and red color. The crunch of leaves under his feet was a welcomed feeling.

After a while, he finally made it to the biggest tree in the center of the forest. It's leaves, too, were now a gradient of orange to red. He sighed, and began climbing up the ladder on the tree.

This treehouse was unlike most, being the size of an actual house. The stump had a door, which opened into a hollow staircase, and a back ladder led up to a balcony surrounding the windows in the house.

He continued climbing until he reached this balcony, where he easily hopped up.

He assumed that Hunter would be staying in the guest room, and walked to where the window of that room is.

He gently opened the window, holding Rascal lightly in his hand.

He stepped into the room quietly, and walked over to the bed. Laying there, were Hunter and Edric. Edric's arm was covering Hunter's face, almost making Bad laugh. He gently set Rascal onto their bed, and started walking back to the window.

Suddenly, Edric gently opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was Rascal. Shocked, he pat the bird's head, looking around.

He saw a white cloaked figure sneaking out of the window, and smiled lightly.

"Hey, Bad."

Bad visibly flinched, turning around. His new appearance almost shocked Edric. He looked much more tired than he previously did, with visible eye bags, and had a deep scar across the center of his face.

He chuckled lightly, golden eyes darting around. "Hey, Edric.. I found that little guy in my office, and knew he needed to be brought back to his owner. I thought you guys would be staying here."

Edric nodded. "Thank you. You could get in a lot of trouble if anyone found out you came here."

Bad froze. "Speaking of.. can you please not tell anyone I was here? This was a one time thing and I don't want them freaking out."

"Sure thing, now go. They'll wake up soon."

"Thank you." And he was gone.

That will probably be the last nice conversation he ever has with any of them.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!Sorry it's short, I am tired, so goodnight boys!

-Your author, Badluck!!

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