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The Day Of The Plan

Today was the same as yesterday. Ice was at work, and the other two were still lounging around. They were more bored than ever.

Edric groaned. "This sucks."

Hunter nodded in agreement. "I get why we need to stay away from the public, but I'm so bored."

Edric sat up. "Let's go into town."

Hunter pauses, but nods. "Nothing at all could go wrong if we did that. Even though Ice told us not to."


The two, of course, went to town.

They did have the slightest bit of common sense (All on Hunter's part) to wear cloaks, though.

They walk down the streets, hand in hand, to look for something fun to do.

Hunter smiled. "Hey, how about we get some icecream?"

Edric grimaced. "I..can't have milk."

Hunter waved his hand. "They have dairy free Icecream, you know!"

Edric's eyes widened. "Seriously? I have been missing out."

"Let's go get some." Hunter gripped harder onto his boyfriend's hand, pulling him in the direction of an ice cream shop.

They walked into the shop. The walls were a light shade of pink, with a single white squiggle going horizontally down the middle.

They walked up to the counter, where there was a worker.

Edric looked at the menu, before ordering who both him and Hunter, who had a already told him what he wanted.

The person turned around and returned afterwards holding two cups of ice cream. They handed Edric the cups, who thanked them and paid.

Edric gave his boyfriend his ice cream, and they sat down to eat.

Sitting at a table nearby, was a boy with purple hair. He was stressfully eating ice cream as he stared at a crystal ball in front of himself, mumbling about "bad things happening soon". They elected to leave as quick as possible.

They quickly finished their food and left the shop, hand in hand.

Hunter was dragging Edric along, talking about random things as Edric listens happily. They suddenly hear a familiar voice behind them.

"Edric Blight and the former Golden Guard! The coven has been looking for you." They turned around to see Kikimora.

Hunter grimaced. "About that.. WE'VE GOTTA GO-" He gripped tighter onto his boyfriend's hand, and started sprinting down the streets.

Kikimora yelled angrily, calling a few guards, who continued to chase them.

They approached an alleyway, and took a sharp turn into it. They leaned against the wall, heavily breathing, as the guards and Kikimora ran by the alley.

Hunter slumped down. "We..got away..we're safe.."

A chuckle was heard from the end of the alley, and two glowing golden orbs shined back at them. "I wouldn't say safe, but safer than you'd be around that..goblin?" The figure stepped into the light.

Hunter growled. "Bad. What do you want."

"It's more of what the emperor wants. Which would be your heads! But, I'm not a killer. So I'm gonna let him kill you instead!"

The two instinctively tried to back out of the alley, but bumped into a wall of guards.

They struggle as they're grabbed.

Bad spins his staff around, and a mist fills the alley. It doesn't affect the masked guards or Bad, but it begins to make the other two fall asleep.

Edric clutches his fist weekly. "Why are you- doing this.."

Bad tilts his head. "You wouldn't get it. Night night~!"

The world went dark.


Ice walked into his house after a long day of work. The lights were off. Something was wrong.

"Edric? Hunter? You guys there?" He walked around, looking for them, but...

Nobody was there.

He punched a wall. "THEY DIDN'T. OH MY GOD-"

He heard a small noise, and turned around to see Rascal. The bird chirped.

"You're right. We've gotta go save them."


We may be nearing an end, my friends.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next one will have some twists and turns, probably.

Honestly I'm also sad we're getting so close to the end. I'm thinking of ways to drag this out, but in the end, I hope my story is enjoyable.

See you guys next chapter!

-Your author, BadLuck

Also yeah Bad is really getting into his villain persona.

Special thanks to my pal Alex for helping with grammar in this chapter! You now have another paragraph in this story. 💛

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