💛Gone/Feel Better💙

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When they looked back, Bad was completely gone.

Now, they were back at the treehouse. Hunter was glad to be out of the coven, Edric was happy nothing bad happened to them, and Ice...

Was absolutely freaking out.

He was near-curled into a ball on the couch.

"Gone! Just gone! Where is he? Why did he leave? Doesn't he know he's safe with us- with me??"

Edric gently pat his back. "It'll be alright, calm down."

"Calm down? CALM DOWN? ED, MY BROTHER IS MISSING! WHO KNOWS WHERE HE COULD BE?" He curled further into a ball out of stress.

"Why would he..why would he leave? I just don't get it. There's no reason why."

Hunter sat on the opposite side of Ice. "We can't be sure, all we can do is hope he's safe."


He stood in a dark room. Pain. He felt so much pain. He may have acted like the fight didn't phase him, but it did.

In front of him was the Emperor, Belos.

"The Golden Guard..Betrayed us. He is..friends..with the wild illusionist." He held back a bit of the truth. Their relationship is absolutely none of Belos' business.

Belos looked down at him, and he felt an increasing dread. "I should have expected this. Your job continues, BadLuck."

"Capture the illusionist?"

"No. Kill both of them."

He wanted to retaliate, to tell him that wasn't his job, but..

"Yes, sir."

He had to protect him. Even if it's at the price of other people.

Even..if he hated him now.


At some point, Ice managed to calm down, and now had Persephone, the demon cat, laying across his lap. He scratched her head, and she meowed questioningly. He didn't learn as much beastkeeping as his brother, but he still mostly understood her question.

"I..don't know where he is, Percy. I just don't know."

She mowed solemnly, and curled further into his lap. Eventually, they both fell asleep.

Edric and Hunter looked at the blue haired male, concerned.

"He's not handling this well."

"No, not at all. I don't know what we expected though, he did just learn that his brother is working with the enemy."

Edric nodded. "Yeah. I wish he'd feel better, though."

"Mhm.." Hunter sighed

Edric perked up. "Wait! I may know a way to make him feel better, even if it's just a bit."

//The Next Day//

Ice opened his eyes, and looked around. He was back in his room. He began to wonder why, when a noise snapped him out of his thoughts.

Edric walked into the room. "Sleep well?"

Ice nodded, stretching. "As well as somebody who slept for an entire day can."

"Great, because we're going somewhere today!"

He deadpanned. "What?"

Edric grinned. "Yup!"

"You know we're all, like, wanted criminals now, right?"

Edric smiled. "I've always been a wanted criminal. This doesn't change a thing for me. Now, get ready."

Ice flopped back onto his bed. "I don't wanna."

Edric leaned against the doorframe. "That's a shame. We were going to go watch a flying competiti-"

Ice shot up. "DID YOU SAY FLYING? I'm getting ready, get out, get out!" He quickly pushed Edric out the door, who started laughing.

Hunter looked up at him from the couch. "What are you chuckling about, Broccoli?"

Edric smiled, laying on his lap. "Oh, nothing, it's just funny how much he likes flying."

"Whatever you say."


The three arrived at what looked like a race track. Hunter and Edric are standing side-by-side, holding hands, as Ice stands in front of them.

Ice smiled lightly. "I've wanted to go here for a while! You can fly on your own here, but they also host races!"

Hunter looked at the small crowd on the bleachers surrounding the track. "Well, it looks like they have a race today."

Edric looked at the track. "Wonder what they're racing."

Ice looked behind him. "Let's go sit down and find out!"

They all sat down on the bleachers, waiting for the race to start. Eventually, a horn blew, signifying the racers to come out.

Out walked five people, each with a griffen in tow. Hunter narrowed his eyes.

"You can tame those things? And race them?"

Edric nodded. "Yeah, it's difficult, but people manage."

Hunter continued to watch the racers as they continued to set up. "It's so odd what witches do when they're bored. I have not been around people enough."

Edric leaned against him. "It's okay, you'll get used to it."

They stopped talking when the horn blew again, signifying the start of the race.

Ice smiled. This is fun. I wonder how Jay is doing.


"I have no plans for how to kill them, sir. I've never killed a person before, it's not my job."

Belos crossed his arms. "Well, you better come up with some quick. The longer you wait, the more powerful they get."

Bad glared up at him. "And what if I can't do it? Huh? What then?" His eyes were narrowed, glowing lightly.

Belos struck him across the face, causing him to hiss in pain and step back. He should have worn his mask.

"Then I guess you won't be of use to me anymore. I have more than enough people to complete this job. You're disposable."

He looked down at Bad, almost condescendingly. "Now, go start planning. You have..Let's say, a week. That's more than enough time to dispose of them."

Bad looked down. "Yes, sir." He turned, and started walking away.

I hate this.


How's the bittersweetness of this chapter for you, boys? Just to show the different perspectives of the brothers.

For today, let's do a QnA! Ask some non-spoiler questions. Just simple, domestic things, about any of the characters in this story. I always have details to share!

See you next chapter!

-Your author, BadLuck! :)

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