💛Creating A Plan💚

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When Hunter woke up, there were still no new assignments for him.

Bad must be doing all the dangerous things I used to do..

That thought made him sad, but he couldn't think about it much. Bad had signed up for this job, of course.

Hunter decided to bring Rascal along today, because he's been trapped in a room for weeks.

The walk to the cafe was uneventful today. Hunter had become used to the town's layout and the people he usually sees on him walk.

He opened the door, it ringing as always.

Ice waved. "Hey Hunter."

Hunter walked up to the counter. "Can I talk to you and Ed on your next break? It's kinda important."

Ice nodded. "Yeah of course. We'll see you in 10, meet us outside."

Hunter nodded and walked out the back door, waiting on the roof as always.

Rascal hopped out of his pocket and chirped at him. He smiled. "Wanna play a game, buddy?"

When Ice and Edric walked outside, Hunter was laying face-first into the hard roof of the cafe, surrounded by games of tic tac toe he had obviously lost. Rascal was pecking his head to make him get up.

Ice crouched next to Hunter. "You good, dude?"


"Yeah, no that's fair." He sympathetically pat the blonde's hair, and looked over at Edric.

The emerald-haired boy was currently screaming over how cute Rascal was.

"YOU HAVE A BIRD HUNTER?? AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME??" He happily hugged the bird to his chest. Rascal just let it happen because Edric didn't seem like a threat.

Hunter lifted his head slightly off the ground. "Yeah, that's Rascal. He just kinda followed me home one day."

Eventually, everyone had calmed down. Hunter was sitting up again, holding a cup of coffee that Ice had brought him. Edric happily had Rascal snuggled into his lap, and Ice was sitting beside them, making a triangle-like formation.

Edric looked over to Hunter. "So, what did you need us for?"

"I talked with the bounty hunter last night. We have a week until our plan to capture you, Ed."

Ice nodded. "So we have a week to come up with a way to stop that. Okay, any ideas?"

"From what I know, the bounty hunter can use all magic with little struggle. However, he seems to do better with ranged attacks."

Edric scratched Rascal's head. "So we find a way to attack him up close."

Hunter smiled. "I can do that, I specialize in teleporting."

"Seriously? Why didn't you do that when you were against me?" Edric looked genuinely confused.

Hunter looked down, almost embarrassed. "I thought it'd be unfair..And I can only use magic with my staff."

Ice waved his hand. "Either way, that gives us a big advantage. Both Edric and I are illusionists, but I can also use a bit of the other magics."

Edric nodded. "I think it'd be a good idea if I turned myself invisible while Ice made a decoy of me. To cause confusion, we could actually make multiple decoys!" He grinned mischievously.

Ice sighed teasingly. "Multiple Edrics, I can barely handle one.."

"Hey! That's mean!"

"You know I'm joking, you baby!"

Hunter laughed at their argument, but almost felt jealous at the closeness of the two.

They have been friends longer than I've known him, I should expect this.

Eventually their argument stopped and Hunter looked at the two.

"So, is that the plan?"

The other two looked at each other and nodded. "Yeah, that sounds right."

"What about a plan B? Like, if something goes wrong?" Ice glanced between the two. "It seems really plausible with you two."

Edric rolled his eyes. "I don't see why we need that."

Hunter smiled. "I have an Idea! Here."

He drew a symbol onto the rooftop, and hit it with his palm. Suddenly he vanished.

Edric jumped slightly. "What?? Hunter??"

He suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around. Hunter's face was very close to his own, and they both backed away blushing.

"How did you do that?" His hand was semi-covering his mouth to hide his blush.

"Oh- uh, I learned it from the human when we were both scheming against Kikimora. It only lasts as long as you hold your breath."

Ice nodded. "That's actually really useful."

The sound of a bell caught them all off guard.

Edric jumped up. "Oh, a customer! Our break is over. Bye Hunter!"

Ice waved as he got off the roof. "Yeah, bye Hunter."

And they were gone.

Guess I should go home now.


I feel like this chapter was super boring, sorry guys. Finally recovering from my sickness and went back to school, so I'm stressed with all the makeup work.

Question of the day! I draw a lot, any drawing requests :)?

Have a good day/night wherever you are! Bye, boys!

-Your tired author, BadLuck!

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