💛Hang Out💚

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Of course, Hunter agreed. Why wouldn't he? This is his first opportunity to act like a normal teenager.

Now the three boys were walking through town to go to a nearby fair that's going on. Hunter had never been to one, so the other two were explaining what they were to him.

"And then, Mittens and I won every prize. Completely fair and square. Later, Emira told us about her day with Viney, and they totally started dati- Oh we're here!"

Ice visually sighed from relief of Edric's ranting. "Let's go check out some shooting games. They always have giant prizes. My brother loves those things."

Hunter's eyes widened. "Prizes?"

Edric smiled. "Yeah! You get them if you win a game. Do you really not get out much?"

"Yeah.." Hunter sighed.

"Hey, it's okay. Let's go play some games." Ice gestured to the fairgrounds.

The other two boys smiled. "Yeah!"

Booths lines every corner and wall of the fairground. Hunter was immediately drawn to a "knock over the jars" kind of game. He quickly paid for a single play.

As they stood in front of it, Edric grimaced. "Hunter I think that game is rigge-"

He's cut off by the sound of every jar being knocked down, aswell as a piece of the countertop where it was glued to a jar, being broken.


Hunter turned towards his friends, eyes wide with excitement. "Did I do good?"

Ice, still surprised, nodded his head. "Yeah, dude, you won."

The booth carney seemed frozen for a second. "Uh..what prize would you like, sir?"

Hunter thought, before pointing to a green wolf plush. "That one looks cool."

The carney, begrudgingly, handed him the toy, and the boys went on their way.


"What?" Edric blushed, as Hunter was holding the plush out towards him.

"It reminded me of you, so you can have it." Hunter smiled brightly, somehow turning Edric a darker red.

Standing behind the two, Ice deadpanned.

'These bitches gay. Good for them, good for them.'

They approached another game, a balloon-popping one.

Ice cracks his knuckles. "I love this game!" He walks up to the booth and pays for a game. The carney handed him three darts, and he hit all three of them into balloons easily.

He took a, for some odd reason, really long ferret toy. Genuinely nobody had any idea why he thought it was a good idea. It wrapped around his entire body. God, he was more ferret than witch at this point. Ice no longer existed.

Jk, he's fine.

The next game was a simple "test your strength" game, with a mallet and all. Hunter narrowed his eyes. "You sure you can do this, Ed?"

Edric grinned and sent a wink in the direction of his friends. "Don't worry, boys, I'm super powerful."

So he was gonna cheat, that's obvious.

Edric drew a small blue circle in the air with his finger, and slammed the mallet on the target.

To Hunter and Ice, it was maybe in the middle of the board. However, to the carney, it hit the very top.

The carney seemed to understand that it was an illusion, but they were a tired teen and couldn't care less.

Edric grinned as he walked back with a yellow cat plush. He handed it to Hunter. "Payback."

Hunter blushed slightly. "Thanks, Ed."

Ice, deadpan again, broke their stare. "It's getting late, maybe we should go home."

Hunter looked at the sky and nodded. 10:00. Has it really been that long? They've barely done anything.

They all walked outside of the fairgrounds. Ice waved towards the two others. "I need to be home soon, I'll see you guys tomorrow!"

And then he left, his mostly toy-ferret body walking down the sidewalk.

Edric looked over to Hunter. "How was it?"

Hunter grinned. "Amazing! This was really fun. Thank you..for this."

Edric blushed, looking to the side. "It was..nothing.. don't worry about it. I'm glad you had fun. I'll see you later, Hun!" And then he, too, left, before he could think about what he said.

Standing there still, was Hunter, who was blushing.



As always, boys, I am still very sick. This was a really fun chapter to write though, so here's concept art of Ice's current look.

See you guys next chapter for more golden boys interactions!

-Your author, BadLuck!

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