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6 Days Until The Plan

Bad still had no real idea on a plan. He didn't want to even kill these guys! But he had to fulfill his job.

In front of him was a desk covered in papers. He could feel his eyes drooping, but knew he had to stay awake.

He bitterly chuckled to himself. "It'd be a good time for coffee.. Too bad.." He forced his eyes opened and continued outlining plans to catch the boys.

After what felt like forever of writing down maps and moving around little 'Sorry!' pieces to symbolize scenarios, he was snapped out of his thoughts by a noise. A chirp.

Knowing his crow didn't make that noise, and was in front of him on his desk, his head snapped behind him.

Standing on the open window was a redbird with a scar on one eye. He jumped up to get it.

He grabbed the bird. "Hey! Are you okay? You're injured!" The cardinal chirped again, and Bad froze.

"You're..a palisman?" The bird chirped again. "Well, that's even worse! Belos will kill you if he finds you, we have to get you out of here."

The red bird shook it's head strongly. It chirped again.

"You're waiting here for someone? There's no way any coven member would have a palisman, they hate wild magic." Chirp! Bad shook his head. "No, I'm not a coven member. Well...I guess I am now."

Chirp! Bad chuckled. "I'm glad I remind you of your owner, but we really need to get you into safety. Come inside." He stuck his hand out, and the bird jumped on it.

He closed his window, taking the bird into the room.

He set the bird next to his crow, who immediately cuddled up to it. Bad chuckled lightly and sat back in his chair. He talked as he worked.

"So, do you have a name, little guy?"


"Rascal, huh? That's cute. I'm Bad." He continued sketching out a map of the town, as well as the forests surrounding it.

The two talked for a while as Bad planned, until he paused, circling a part of the map in red.

"Finally! I'm done." He stretched his arms above his head, hearing his bones pop.

He looked back down at Rascal. "So, now I can deal with you. Who exactly is your owner?"


Bad paused, his face darkening.

"The..The golden guard, huh?" He smiled slightly. "That's..convenient.."

He started to reach for the red bird when his crow cawed angrily, snapping him out of his daze. He quickly drew his hand back.

"No..No..You're right. I'm gonna get you home, Rascal." He glanced out the window. "But..It's gonna have to be quick. If I'm caught around The Golden Guard..I..They'll kill me. They'll kill everyone."

He yawned. "But, let's do it tomorrow. I'm exhausted."

He stacked up his papers neatly, before walking over to his bed and faceplanting into the not very soft sheets.

Tomorrow...I'll have to drop of Rascal without anyone seeing it. Not even Ice. Maybe..No. I can't leave a note. He can never know I even went near the house. No matter how much I miss it.



Hey guys I'm exhausted. That's about it. The server is going good! I'd recommend joining it, but please stay more-or-less calm. Wanna make it a comfortable environment.

I'll get a good chapter out later. I'm sorry it's so short. I have a small case of writing block, and school has been stressful.

Love you guys, goodnight!


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