💛Round Two?💚

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Hunter decided that he'd actually bring his staff with him, just in case. Who knows what tricks this boy could pull today.

A chirp brought him from his thoughts, and he smiled lightly at the red bird in front of him. "Hey Rascal. I'm sorry you can't come, it's not safe for you." He scratched the palisman's head and turned towards the open window.

"See you later, be safe"

And with that, he hopped on his staff and flew back towards town.

It was currently 7:25, five minutes until Edric's shift ends. Hunter decides to wait on the roof above the back door of the cafe, and spins his staff between his fingers as a way to kill time.

After what felt like forever, the noise of the back door opening and a familiar voice saying bye to his coworker sounded through the alleyway. Hunter perked up and glanced down at the ground below him.

Edric walked outside of the cafe, already pretty exhausted from an entire day's work. He glances around suspiciously, and then continues walking forwards.

Hunter jumps down quietly behind him and begins to follow his footsteps exactly. He decides stealth is probably an unfair advantage and clears his throat.

"Hey Blight, up for a rematch of yesterday?" He used his normal golden guard "annoying voice", as others call it so oftenly.

Edric laughed lightly. "How long have you been following me?"

"Not long. Probably a minute or so. Doesn't matter."

"That's true, but what does matter is how easily distracted you are- BYEE~!" And he was off again.

Hunter thought it'd be a better idea to go by air instead of foot this time, and hopped on his staff.

He was much faster than Edric this way, and easily caught up to him. Edric noticed this, and took the first turn he saw. Into the woods, dark in the afternoon sunset.

Hunter couldn't make his way through all the tree branches, and had to get off of his staff. He walked carefully through the woods, looking for any sign of the green haired teen.

"Ed? I feel like this was a really unfair strategy and a terrible idea altogether. Maybe we should reschedule...?" He nervously chuckled as he walked farther and farther into the woods with no sign of Edric anywhere.

"Seriously, Blight, this isn't funny anym-" Suddenly he was cut off by a scream.

"ED?" He ran in the direction of the scream, and there he saw Edric surrounded by wolves by a cliff.

"THIS WAS A TERRIBLE IDEA, HELP!" He was backing closer and closer to the edge of the cliff.

This was a REALLY bad idea.

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