Chapter 2: You Wanna Fight?

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Yusei was again speeding through the subway tunnels in Satellite. The chip he received earlier from Rally was working perfectly.


In slightly more comfortable standards Jack mused over where and how he came to be in the city.

Ah, now this is the view that I was always meant to have, even if I did have to double cross a few friends to get it. And to think that it was only a few years ago that I was living amongst the losers and garbage of the Satellite. I'm glad that nightmare is over.

Jack looked at one of his cards.

Stardust Dragon, I wonder if Yusei still misses you.

"Quite the view isn't it, Jack?" Goodwin said from the doorway. "Still thinking about your days in the Satellite?"

"I'm done thinking about that dump, Goodwin."

"That's good, Jack, because sometimes dwelling in the past can cost you your future, and we've worked too hard to let that happen. Now shouldn't you be focusing on your match this evening?"

Jack hmphed and threw Yusei's card into his deck sitting on the table. Stardust obviously didn't slide in perfectly with the other cards. It landed halfway in between Jack's deck and jutted out at every angle "I'm plenty focused, Goodwin. You don't have to worry about me dwelling in the past. Cuz' if I had my way, Satellite would've been destroyed years ago."

"I understand how you feel, but the Satellite plays a valuable role in our society. Everyone has been given a role in life. Those in the Satellite exist so that the chosen may prosper. They keep our city functioning by recycling what the chosen discard. Without the Satellite, New Domino City could not exist. Glamorous a role it is not, but a necessary one for everyone's survival. But you know that already, don't you Jack? How silly of me to give a history lesson to someone who experienced it firsthand. Now leave your memories of that place where they belong. It's time for you to make new ones."

"You're right, but what if my past comes looking for me?"


Back in the subway tunnel Rally watched the darkness of one end of the tunnel. He held a stopwatch, his thumb poised above the stop button.

Rally turned his head to avoid the dust as Yusei and Lise rocketed into view. His runner was steaming just a little. Rally checked the time he measured on the stopwatch.

"Yusei, that's your best time yet!" Rally told him and displayed the stopwatch. "You think it's gonna be fast enough to get you to New Domino City?"

Yusei's raised his visor and glanced at the stopwatch. "It better be." Lise climbed off the runner and joined Rally on the side of the track.

"You gonna go again?" Rally asked eagerly. "Either way I know you can do it!"

"I hope your right about this," Yusei smiled and put his visor back down. "Time me again."

Without another word Yusei sped away. Lise and Rally lost sight of him quickly.


"Jack, you're a part of New Domino City now. The only link you have to the Satellite is Yusei Fudo. And you can rest assured that we're taking every precaution to keep that link buried," Goodwin told Jack back in the city.


"Okay, Nervin, your turn!" Tank said as he, Blitz, and Nervin carried three boxes each of recycled materials at their job.

"I'm thinking a cheeseburger with bacon and extra onion rings."

"Don't forgot the french fries and an extra thick milkshake."

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