Chapter 61: Destiny's Instrument Part 2

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Lise swallowed, staying as close as she could to the wall. Her hands closed into fists and she turned away. "Please let me out! I don't want to do this. I can't."

"I'm afraid," Roman grinned cruelly. He snapped his fingers. "that destiny does not allow for me to show any mercy. This needs to be done quickly."

Black energy slammed Lise into the nearest stone column, raining pieces of stone to the ground.

"Occupy her while I prepare the circle. This is going to drain most of my energy away and I don't want any speed bumps making things difficult," Roman instructed. He strode to the center of the room and waved his arms in intricate patterns, gesturing in different directions. Purple designs began to slowly weave themselves into the dark floor at his feet.

"Leave me alone!" Lise struggled to her feet amidst the rubble of the broken column. Her back ached badly from the impact of the attack.

More dark energy smashed her down to the floor. Lise's ears rang and her vision blurred. She tasted metal and realized her lip was bleeding. She gradually pushed herself up out of the Lise-sized crater and wiped the blood from her lip. She wasn't allowed a chance to recover, much less defend herself, any longer. She was thrown against the wall, the opposite wall, a few more columns, and finished with the floor. Breathing heavily, she rose again, only to be kicked in the stomach by a large black boot.

"I'm surprised you even have the strength to get back up," Roman said. "Why are you even trying at this point?"

"What's the point in giving up?" Lise wheezed. Her knees shook with the effort of standing.

"Less pain for starters, but no one can hide from destiny." The Dark Signer stepped aside, showing the completed purple circle he'd created. "Just accept it. It'd make my job a lot easier."

Lise threw him a dark look, watching him circle behind her. "I do like taking the hard way, but I can't. Not this time."

"You don't have a choice," Roman's hands gripped Lise's arms, just below the shoulder. "Can't you taste it? Can't you drink it all in?" he fell silent for a moment. "Humor me; where are your tears, the screaming?"

"What would be the point? It's not like someone's coming to rescue me. I'm just good at procrastination."

"True. It's exactly as before, better even. Everything is sealed. No one is coming," Roman laughed in Lise's ear.

"I wouldn't bet on that," a third voice growled.

"You!" Roman exclaimed before the unmistakable sound of fist hitting flesh made it to Lise's ears. The Dark Signer's concentration broke, freeing Lise.

Lise started to fall, but two arms caught her. They were warm and comforting in comparison to the icy cruelty of Roman's. She was still getting over her shock and would have taken a major face plant if she hadn't had help.

"Are you all right?" Yusei asked, pulling Lise into a close embrace. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault."

"I'm-I'm okay," she responded. "H-How are you here?"

"Oh this is just delicious," Roman laughed as he stood up. He dusted himself off casually.

Yusei pushed Lise behind him. He could feel her hand on his shoulder and the other clutching at the back of his jacket. She looked around, wondering where he'd come from and spotted a black doorway that she would have completely overlooked had it not been wide open. Lise's unspoken question was answered when Yusei began to edge nearer to the door as stealthily as he could.

"The little hero boy coming to save the dragon, not slay it," Roman continued. "When you think about it, it really is laughable. Who knew the mighty dragon needed protection from a weak human?" He strode forward.

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