Chapter 29: A World Without Light Part 1

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News reporters flocked into the arena. A raven-haired girl with large swirling glasses took photos. She wore a blue and white striped shirt with a yellow vest and jeans. Yellow sneakers and a pink wristband finished off the girl's appearance. Then she held the camera at arms-length, pointed at herself. "Um...this is Carly Carmine reporting to you live in Domino Stadium in Domino City...Uh...well I mean obviously Domino Stadium is in Domino City but I-"

Unfortunately, Carly was rudely interrupted by a shove from a blonde reporter. "Ready?" she asked her cameraman. "Angela Reins here reporting for WGGK at the Fortune Cup! Where Fusei Yudo has just stolen Jack Atlas's crown!"

"Hey, Angela!" Carly cut in angrily. "His name's not 'Fusei Yudo' it's YUSEI FUDO!"

"I hate to break it to you, Carly," Angela smirked condescendingly. "But a blogger is not a journalist. So tell me, how many hits a day is that little website of yours getting?"

"Thousands of...millions..."

"I seriously doubt don't you let us REAL reporters do our work?" Angela sneered and ran off.

"HEY!" Carly yelled and chased after.

"What now?" Fish asked irritably, glaring at Yusei.

"Now we try to find our friends, and I wanna check on Jack before the doctors take him away," Yusei answered. He walked towards where a few doctors were loading Jack on a stretcher.

"About Jack." Fish smiled sheepishly. Nevertheless, she followed.

"Mr. Atlas is fine. We just need to get him to the clinic for some routine tests," one of the doctors was telling Yusei. "Um, is there something wrong with the girl that we should check out?" He pointed at the still sleeping Lise.

"No, she's okay," Yusei said hurriedly, holding Lise closer. "She's just exhausted. She'll sleep it off."

"Suit yourself," the doc said with a shrug. "Oh, and congratulations kid." He and the rest of his team wheeled Jack out of the stadium.

Yusei caught a slight abnormality on Jack's face before he disappeared. He rounded on Fish. "I told you NOT to draw a mustache on him!"

"I have no idea what you are referring to," Fish said innocently.

"You're impossible!"

"Oh yeah? Well, you're stupid!"

"You're annoying!"

"You're a shitnozzle!"

"What the heck did I do to make you hate me so much?"

"Figure it out yourself, moron!"

Yusei cut himself off when he heard shouts from the crowd. "Hey, Satellite, how'd ya do it?"

"We know you cheated!"

"You think you're one of us now? Well, you're not!"

"Get outta here!"

"Enjoy it while it lasts, ya loser!"

"Yusei!" Leo's voice shouted, much closer than the others.

Both the Oracle and the Satellite turned towards Leo, Tanner and Yanagi running straight for them.

"Hey guys!" Yusei greeted, thankful for kinder voices. "Everyone okay?"

"We're fine," Yanagi reported. "But you're about to face a brand new enemy: the media!"

The old man pointed to the fence keeping an enormous crowd of journalists at bay. Cameras flashed and reporters fired questions. Suddenly... STAMPEDE!

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