Chapter 54: Monkey Business Part 3

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Leo: 3200

Devack: 2500

"Devack activated a field spell. He's done everything he needs to summon an Earthbound Immortal!" Yusei bit his lip worriedly.

"That's not good," Trudge agreed.

"Very bad," Lise added. "But I have one question."

Yusei and Trudge stared at her. She looked back to normal, slightly.

"Who lit Trudge on fire?" Lise asked. She reached out and poked the officer's shoulder, as if testing his flammability.

"She's lost it. She's completely lost it," Trudge said, freaking out a little.

"By channeling the dark power of the Closed Forest field spell, Z-Man the Ape King will gain one hundred attack points for every monster in my graveyard," Devack explained, ignoring the three spectators. "And since I have five monsters there already, Z-Man gains five hundred attack points!" Devack smirked as his monkey's attack jumped up to 3000.

"I don't suppose a banana would solve this?" Leo joked, trying to ease his panic.

"Z-Man the Ape King, dismantle that Power Tool Dragon! Go, Cursed Flare!"

"I got a little surprise for you!" Leo countered quickly. "By sending Break Draw to my graveyard, my dragon can avoid your attack."

"Maybe so, but your life points are another story."

Leo protected his face from the attack the best he could. Even so, he still took heavy damage.

Leo: 2500

Devack: 2500

Leo looked up and realized he'd absorbed the smallest hit from the attack. His dragon had stood in front of him.

"Whoa, Power Tool Dragon is shielding me from Devack's dark energy. He's totally protecting me!"

"That was close," Trudge remarked.

"Too close," Yusei intoned.

"Hey big guy, you okay?" Leo acknowledged his dragon. It nodded its head once.

"Your monsters can't protect you forever, boy," Devack said. "And these two facedowns are going to prove it to you."

"Well good luck with that. It's my turn and I draw." Leo placed his new card into his hand. I've gotta find a way to take Z-Man the Ape King down... "I activate my dragon's special ability. Now I move a random equip spell from my deck to my hand...Megamorph! All right! I'm equipping Power Tool Dragon with this spell card; check it! This bad boy is about to double your trouble. Huh? That's weird. Its attack points stayed the same. What gives?"

"Little fool," Devack insulted superiorly. "You're trying to win with cards you can't comprehend. Your feeble attempt to outduel me is over. With our lifepoints even, the effect of your Megamorph won't work."

"You gotta be kidding me!" Leo complained. He tried to quench the tears welling up in his eyes. "That card usually turns the tables when it works. That's like my best card! Now what do I do?"

"You lose," Devack explained simply. "Like I told you, a normal person like you could never defeat a Dark Signer like me."

"Leo!" Yusei called down. "Just stay cool. You've got all kinds of great cards in your deck, but if you panic and stop believing in your cards, they won't be able to help you. You've gotta stay strong, Leo, you have to believe. That's what dueling's about; believing in your cards is the same thing as believing in yourself."

"I know but...argh..."

"Hey, if we're gonna be cool, we need ice and lots of it... I'll call Articuno..." Lise suggested, laughing.

"What?" Trudge furrowed his brow, confused.

"I think it's a Pokémon, just ignore her," Yusei sighed.

Meanwhile Leo took a deep breath and looked at his cards. Thinks might be looking up for him. Wait, Yusei's right. The only way I can win this duel is if I trust myself and my deck. "I switch Power Tool Dragon to defense mode and end my turn."

"Fool! One cannot win a shadow duel if one cannot attack. You've played right into my hands!"

Lise giggled. "The shadow dude looks like a Sith lord..."

"It's my turn," Devack declared, drawing his card. "And I think I'll start this round by attacking Power Tool Dragon with my Ape King! Go, Cursed Flare!"

"Bring it on!" Leo challenged. "Since Power Tool Dragon is in defense mode, my equip spell is gonna save me."

"I'm afraid not. At least, not after I've activated the Roaring Earth trap. When a Beast-type monster attacks a monster in defense mode, this card deals you the extra damage!"

Leo winced openly, mouth agape as the attack seared through his defenses.

Leo: 2000

Devack: 2500

"But wait, by sending Power Tool Dragon's equip spell to the graveyard I can negate its destruction," Leo countered quickly. His dragon stayed in front of him, getting damaged, but protecting his owner. "Power Tool is taking damage, but why?"

Devack smiled acidly. "When the Roaring Earth trap card is in play, it weakens one of the monsters on your field, robbing it of 300 attack and defense points."

"It does what?" Leo watched helplessly as his dragon's points decreased.

"Next I place one card facedown and end my turn. This is hardly a challenge for me, boy

Leo scowled defiantly. Power Tool, despite everything that's happened to me, you've still got my back. Leo took a deep breath; he still had a long way to go. "Listen up: no matter what you throw at me, I'm going to protect Luna!"

Little did Leo know that in the Spirit Realm, Luna was doing everything she could to protect him.

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