Chapter 50: Curse of the Spider Part 2

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The wall of purple fire erupted around Lise and Roman. There was no backing out now. The spider mark erupted across the city and Roman's spider mark shone brightly in the dark night.

Instead of her own markings glowing, Lise's completely vanished. She gasped as the wall of purple flames seemed to triple the force of gravity; blood ran from the cut on her forehead, getting into her eyes.

Roman smirked. "Having trouble, my dear?"

"How? What's going on?" Lise wheezed. She wiped away some of the blood, smearing red across her forehead and wrist.

"The Crimson Dragon exists inside you as a deity, a goddess, and gods cannot interfere with people and their wars," Roman smirked. "You're on your own."

"That's what you think."

"Let's duel!"

Lise: 4000

Roman: 4000

"The first move is mine, then," Lise declared. "I draw. I summon Flame Alchemist in defense mode! And I'll end my turn with a facedown."

"Interesting, we'll see how long you can last," Roman commented. "My move. I'm activating the Spider Web field spell."

"Here we go," Lise remarked dryly. White silky threads enveloped the playing field.

"Now I summon Spider Cocoon, and the reason I'm able to summon this monster is because my field is empty and you have a monster on your side of the field."

(Spider Cocoon: Atk: 0000 Def: 0000)

"With that done I'm summoning Dark Spider!"

(Dark Spider: Atk: 0000 Def: 0000)

"Now until the end of my turn Dark Spider can harness the shadows in its web and grant power to an Insect monster on my field. Which means Spider Cocoon's level grows to level seven. And now Spider Cocoon will return the favor by giving Dark Spider a tune-up!"

Roman's Cocoon Spider turned into white lights that encircled his green spider. But instead of creating a flash of light, the lights plunged into the green spider, turned black and destroyed Dark Spider. Six black lights circled bleakly before Roman.

"When the shadows are devoured by even darker shadows, the curtain pulls back and reveals a world without light!" Roman cried with malevolent glee as his new monster appeared in a flash of darkness. "Come forth: Underground Arachnid!"

(Underground Arachnid: Atk: 2400 Def: 1200)

"Oh great, another spider," Lise muttered.

"Say goodbye to your Alchemist, because I plan on taking him for my own!" Roman shouted.


A sticky line of spider silk shot out of Underground Arachnid's abdomen that ensnared Flame Alchemist and dragged him over to the Dark Signer's field. "You see once a turn Underground Arachnid can use one of the monsters on your field as an equip card to gain more power. And now that you have nothing on your field to protect you, Underground Arachnid can attack!"

Lise: 1600

Roman: 4000

Lise groaned as Underground Arachnid shot webbing from its mouth that hit her square in the stomach. She fell to the ground, wincing. It took everything she had just to get back up again. Okay, that hurt a lot more than I thought it would. I have to win this or risk actually dying. She quickly turned her head and spit onto the gravel, saliva mixing with blood.

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